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Far Cry

Could a Trainer be possible, also what mods will we see in Farcry 3?


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So, how moddable is this game? i know it will be to some certain degree. Also, could someone make a trainer. i don't think this the place to be asking for a mod but, i could really use one. especially one where you could toggle enemy AI or make you un-noticeable

but discuss mods for Far cry 3

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I've been debating trying out the game,I love open world shooters,but they have to be done right,I've been spoiled by great games like STALKER and the last two Fallout games.

Will it even be possible to do the kind of new quest mods or new weapons,NPC's,areas,ect. that we've enjoyed with those games? One of the big complaints I've heard is the

checkpoint type save system it uses,is it possible to create a quicksave mod for it?

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