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Devil May Cry 5

MOD. REQUEST: Alternative Title for Nero


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Can someone make a MOD. where Nero's introduction title reads "The Brutal Devil Hunter", during the cutscene and on the selection screen? I just feel that Nero's title of "The Devil Hunter" is just generic and doesn't properly sum-up his character like the others, such as Nico being the "Artisan of Arms" or Urizen being the "Nefarious Usurper".


Dante's own title is "The Legendary Devil Hunter", because by Devil May Cry 5, he has earned his legendary status by saving the world multiple times. Given Nero is able to pummel enemies using the Buster Move, adding "brutal" to his title would be appropirate, since he batters enemies with such ferocity and is the only playable character in the series to ever incorporate this mechanic.


Would greatly appreciate the modder who accepts my little challenge. Remember, I want Nero's title changed in the cutscene and on the selection screen, above his name.


P.S.: Is performing a simple text change like this hard when it comes to modding or do you need some sort of additional coding program or have to use a DOS command prompt or otherwise sift through the download game's files? I' am interested to know how this is done.

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