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Far Cry 3 micro stuttering );


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Hello i have a problem and i am not alone with this issue, the fps micro stutters all over the place, no matter what setting i have it on. My system requirements meat the minimum system requirements and then some by a long shot, so thats not an issue. Does anyone have a quick fix or even a mod that would fix it, its seems to happen when loading the lod. As the terrain pops up.


basic system specs


Windows 7 oem 64bit pro

4.3ghz turbo amd fx 8350 so it shouldn't happen.

2 radeon gigabyte 7950's in crossfire with 6gb vram in all..

8ggb of patriot extreme ram 1860mhz


please help http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif


here is a youtube video that might help you understand what i mean..




also can't help it, first topic thread yay http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gifhttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif


and also i have it on a OCZ 256gb ssd as well, so it really shouldn't happen

Edited by Thor.
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What methods have you tried so far? Have you ran the game in Dx9 to see if the game still persisted?


The video looked fine, but I think I did see a few skips when you were swaying the ATV back and forth.


Also, this person seemed to have fixed it in this video.


just put MaxFps="45" (not gfx_maxfps 45), but exactly as I have written it) or whatever you want it to be in the gamerprofile.xml right after the command ShowFps="0". Gamerprofile.xml is located in C:\user\[username]\mydocuments\mygames\farcry3. Just be sure to make the file read only after you edit it or else the game will remove the command when you restart it.


Adjust the max limit to something more appropriate, I assume.

Edited by xenofei1789
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Thank you for your response, I'll try adding that as soon as i can http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif thanks again, i hope it works. Edited by Thor.
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  • 1 month later...
I also have this problem as do a lot of people (I have a single GPU setup, specs are listed on my profile page). I haven't played the game in almost a month because of the stuttering. Right now there's a 46 page thread on Ubi's forum (Click here to see the thread) about the stuttering and so far other than limiting the fps (which doesn't work for everyone) no one has found a fix. I played the game long enough to realize how great it was despite the stuttering, but it was causing me to become motion sick and I had to stop playing it.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I solved the micro stuttering and ctd's all together, simply crossfires broken and you should use single gpu setup only. Everything is fixed, also the 32bit drivers is highly recommended because the 64bit drivers in some cases can cause micro stuttering either way. I'm currently using the latest drivers as of now.

Remember crossfire is bugged and disabled for Far Cry 3.

I'm currently getting really stable fps with Ultra maxed out 8x msaa. No micro stuttering as of now, on a single card :thumbsup: :teehee:


Also another tip, do not overclock your Ati card, chances of Far cry 3 rejecting it is pretty high. Some reason it likes a certain clock???? weird i know but it works??

Edited by Thor.
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