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Scripting issues


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I am trying to make some scripts but none of em works. I am going crazy and i cannot find a tutorial or a guide, a basic one too. For this reason i read some Oblivion tutorials thinking the games share a lot of things. I want to create an armor with ability to activate a stealth field on keypress. I thought this. Create a fake item who is added in the inventory when the armor in equipped. Equipping this fake item grants the PC the stealth field. I found this Oblivion tutorial with a lot thing usefull for my idea.


In FOMM i have the ARMO, the ENCH, the MGEF and the SCPT with the script. I modified the SCTX Field and compliled it from the spell menu.


This is the code



scn NightFieldAddScript


ref UserRef


Begin OnUnequip

if(UserRef.GetEquipped NightArmor == 1)

UserRef.UnequipItem NightField 0




Begin OnAdd

set UserRef to GetContainer



Begin OnEquip

if(UserRef.GetItemCount NightField <= 0)

UserRef.AddItem NightField, 1






I have seen the Qzilla Stealth Armor who has a similar effect. His mod make a check with a CDTA subrecord to see if the PC issneaking and activate the ENCH but i want to a different approach. I want to add customs sound when the field is activated and deactivated.



I put also a message line in the script but nothing happen in the game. WTF?

I spet hours on google but i couldnt find anything. Any help is appreciated.



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