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Can't move spouse into any house, Dialogue closes out when I selec


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I can't move my wife to my new house, in fact that whole option "I'd like us to move somewhere else" when I click it the whole talk screen closes. I've tried disabling all my mods and what not, but to no success. If anyone could help me with this manner that would be great. It seems as if this new expansion is riddled with bugs and issues.


I figured out how to get the dialogue to come up again, and completely reset my marriage using the Multiple Marriage mod on the Nexus, and remarried Slygia with the option to move her into my home in Falkreath. But, she just stays at her original home and doesn't move. And now I don't even have the option "I'd like us to move somewhere else" anymore.


EDIT: The Marriage mod, to have and hold seems to be a culprit from researching the issue. I uninstalled it, installed the Mod dedicated to fixing the Family Relocation bug, but nothing works. slygia stays in her home and won't relocate regardless of what I do.

Edited by rthompson4
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