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Far Cry

Menu Sounds


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Has anyone else found the Far Cry 3 menu sounds highly annoying?

I find the loud menu sounds and the pop-up mission reminders an absolute atmosphere-breaker. Here I'm running through a living jungle with decent atmosphere, and BONG a reminder for my next mission comes up. Or every time I want to check my map, my ear rings from a bassey TWONG that says "YOU ARE NOW USING THE MAP". Crafting is deafening too, "TWONNNG, YOU ARE NOW IN THE MENU SYSTEM". Very disturbing, and I now mute the sound if I have to use the menus. :down:


My ears can't take the abuse any more. I don't care to make a mod myself; I don't even know if it is possible, but if someone is willing to make a mod that mutes or changes the loud, obnoxious menu sounds I would appreciate it. :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, those sounds are retarded beyond belief, makes you think what type of person they drafted for the "focus groups" LOL.

Like 5 year olds, asking "Please, please, Mr Ubisoft sir, how do I know I opened the map or crafted a syringe if my eardrum is not bleeding, please fix ASAP"

(And they also picked such a rich full sound, instead a discrete "tick/beep" - I play with Razer Tiamat true 7.1 headphones, the bass on those is insane, even collecting a plant is like playing bass guitar near a Marshall amp)


Anyway, I think this has already been fixed in at least two mods, here is the most recent:




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