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I want to see Jyggalag


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While the mortal leaves traces on said god, they shape it more through their beleif than their actions. Thus, the Sheogorath in Skyrim is more of what the 7CoC beleived Sheogorath was than what he may have actually been at some point in the past. And he certianly isn't just the 7CoC with god-like powers.


But we do all agree that Jyggalag returned from his Sheogorath form right? So either there is a New Sheogorath who rules the plain of the SI or Jyggalag is somehow both... In the first case I still would say PC of oblivion is this new sheogorath cause who else? the 7CoC actually got Sheogorath powers at least on the SI, got the title of madgod and Haskill at his serves.

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I really hope a Jyggalag DLC comes along that lets you screw over the other Daedric Lords.


I'll admit that I've got no problems doing stuff for Sanguine, Sheogorath, Meridia, and Azura (they all seem pretty cool), but I'd love to be able to team up with Jyggalag to screw over Mephala, Boethia, Molag Bal, and Peryite (and maybe Nocternal and Hermaeus Mora as well, if it doesn't screw over your progress in the Thieve's Guild or your acquisition of the Elder Scroll [Dragon]), and to be a bigger dick to Mehrunes Dagon, Namira, and Vaermina (I'm pretty neutral about Hircine and Clavicus Vile, though).

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Yeah, I simply loved Jyggalag's aesthetic design. Honestly i think he would make for one heck of a DLC :D

Anyway I do believe that the Hero of Kvatch became the new Sheogorath, while the old one became Jyggalag. Just look at the Sheogorath's eyes in Skyrim, they're white, blind. In Oblivion they were yellow reptilian. And i'm pretty sure in SI, sheogorath told the PC that he might take his eyes after its all over (or something along those lines, i didnt play Shivering isles in a long time). Also Sheogorath mentions so many events from oblivion like the "Fox" you know gray fox? and the cheese :D (when he made it rain cheese in some town?)


Anyway, i think that both Sheogorath and Jyggalag are my probably favorite daedric princes... Even though they're complete opposites. Always hated Mehrunes, Boethia and Molag Bal though, they're like the "Douchebag" princes

Edited by skulleris
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Jyggalag is the Daedric Prince of order. he was the most powerful of all the princes. the others were afraid of his power so they betrayed him and turned him into the thing he hated most, madness. he is now Sheogorath. in The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles, he transformed back into Jyggalag once every Era, this was known as the Greymarch. He is my favorite Daedric Prince.

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The CoC mantled Sheogorath, ceasing to be as the CoC and leaving only Sheogorath in his place.


So you've insisted before. I always thought of this as kind of like that movie The Santa Clause, except you don't have to wear the "Santa Body" except for official functions.

You can certainly wander around both SI and Cyrodiil, closing Oblivion gates or just hanging out at the lodge with your favorite drinkin' buddy "Sir" Mazoga, and you can do this with the Staff of Sheogorath in your hands and people on SI referring to you as "Lord Sheogorath", so if the ability to play the game is canonical your brain doesn't get wiped when you become Sheo.


On the other hand I also recall you saying you knew one or more of the developers, at least I think I remember you saying something like that. If a developer told you that it's mind-wipe city as soon as you uninstall Oblivion from your hard drive who am I to argue? (Not that I've ever uninstalled Oblivion from my hard drive.)



At the very same time, Sheogorath mantled Jyggalag.


From Jiggy's point-of-view he was "cured". He was "dismantled" only to be "remantled", which doesn't sound exactly like what happened to the CoC.


Anyway on the main topic, what is Jiggy up to, I think if I were he I would be trying to bring back the Dwemer. It makes perfect sense: he's a God of Order, the Dwemer worshiped reason, their lack of faith got them wiped out, so it seems like a pretty natural fit to nudge the Dwemer toward worship of a God of Order, especially if it was the very same God of Order who brought them back from extinction.


A God of Order could certainly do a lot worse than the Dwemer.

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First off, since my quoting doesn't seem to be working right now... I do not personally know any of the developers. I have, however, been involved in several conversations with the likes of Lady N and Mr. Flippers, and twice with Kirkbride. Of course, none of them are actual developers, though MK is given a rather wide leash (look out for C0DA coming in the new year), but they are widely regarded as experts on the background. Lady N more generally, Mr. Flippers is something of a Khajiit expert, Prince of Plots is an Azura hater etc.


Anyway, there has to be a certain amount of accepted linearity to the expansions and DLC, otherwise nothing ever makes sense. The Nerevarine couldn't kill Almalexia without first destroying the Heart of Lorkhan. The CoC couldn't mantle Sheogorath without becoming Pelenial incarnate first. The Dragonborn couldn't have stopped the eclipse without defeating Alduin (prophesy says so) etc. The final expansions/DLC mark the end of the linear story, so the closest thing we get to a canon ending is, for instance, the CoC taking the throne in New Sheogh. Yes, we can PLAY after that, but the game does not equate entirely to the story. The Imperial City is a city of thousands, not some 40 off people, for instance.



As for Jygg... His steward is rather adamant that he is out there, bathing in the waters of Oblivion. This isn't like Azura's smackdown at Vivec's trial, Jyggalag has been out of the game for a very, very long time, it's going to take him awhile to recover. I have no doubt he will be back, however.

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