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Duo follower

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Hey people,


3 weeks ago i thought i'd go for another play through when i noticed i still had the game installed.

Long story short, things escalted and now i'm working on my first mod ever.


I got quite far with the tutorials that are on youtube but i've hit a wall and was wondering if anyone here would be able to point me in the right direction.

Is it possible to get 2 NPC's (self made ofc) as followers at the same time without the assistance of other mods.


My plan is that if NPC(A) is recruited as a follower, NPC(B) is automaticly following aswell, and visa versa.


I'm pretty sure it should be possible but since i got no experience in modding, or any sort of programming so i got no clue where i should begin to look.

If anyone could give me a clue or point me in the right direction i would be forever gratefull.


Thank you in advance.


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Hey, check out this thread here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5777892-i-just-found-an-incredibly-simple-technique-for-making-a-follower-on-its-own-framework/


It explains the simplest way to make an NPC a follower without using the vanilla follower framework.


EDIT: instead of using akSpeaker.SetPlayerTeammate() in the script, you would use your other NPC as a script property.

Actor Property MyOtherNPC Auto


Edited by dylbill
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You could use an AI follow package to make one NPC the other's follower, then make the other y our follower. Then, when you get the primary to follow you, the other comes along as well. Give them both relationships, to each other and to you, as friend or ally, and make sure their AI data includes "helps friends and allies."

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