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Realms of Aralon (Recruiting)


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Hi everyone!


Me and 2 other guys have took other the project name 'Project: Apex' and done ALOT of changes.


First off we changed the name because I understood it was a kinda boring name IMO, the new name is 'Realms of Aralon' and RoA for short.


We have made a new forums that is much like these ones that you are in now, it is well orginised (finally) and easy to access. Something big has happened through past few days, we have made a new system for the project to try and keep it stable. I have typed a form in which will explain alot about the new system and the duties each developer has in them:





-We need three leaders, all three havent got a position above each other, all three are equal.


- All three have to discuss on the big changers in the mod.


- New recruits have to be spoken to by a leader on what the rules are and what requirements they need to join RoA.


- Each new recruit needs to tell us about themselves in the Recruitment forum, a leader looks at the introduction and to correct any foul or incorrect words, to give the person some good appearance. If the person sounds big headed, cheeky or mature, we should keep a close eye on him/her.


- The leadership must stay at 3 leaders, if one drops, another has to be recruited.


- The recruitee must be qualified in doing what assignments are before him.


Public relations and Production leader.


- He is in charge of all the PR's and advertisers.


- He has to be in constant contact with all members, he is the one to kick the members if they lack the skills or lag behind in their duties.


- If members are missing more than a week without any notice, this LEADER, kicks them off the team and notifies them to give him a good reason to rejoin.


- He is in charge of the moderators of the forum AND is incharge of all activity in the forum.


MoD Development and Puplic Information Leader.


- He is the one to set up all the puplic announcements, information been put together to show to the public.


- He makes sure the story is in tacked and to see if anything needs changing.


- He decides what features needs to be put in the game.


- He makes sure every one is doing the correct things in the correct way.


- Also incharge of the forums.


Anything to do with looks in the game and the ideas Leader.


- He is the one that receives mods and work.


- He then sends the Plugins to the Sub-Leaders and leaders so that they can look at it.


- He types up a review on the things that need changeing/doing.


- He gives the concept art team Assignments.


- He has the final decision on the final looks of the gaming world.


- He is in charge of Wallpaper, Screenshot distribution.


- Above means he is the one that might do it, or he gives an assignment out to someone for it to be done.






The sub-leaders get the assigments from Art Director and distributes it among the Designers/Writers.


Each SL gets the work from their members after the AD has seen and reviewed it.


If things need changing in the work, the SL is the one to set out how the member can change it, or he lets the member try on his own.


The SL is in charge of reports of miss-behaved members, then he sends the report to a Leader, the leader tells the other two and they decide what to do.



Concept Artist



- They are NOT allowed to show concept MoD production work outside of the private boards.


- They are ALLOWED to show puplic 'show-off' work outside of the private boards.


- They are allowed to work on drawings and work for other mods, IF they do the work that doesnt look nothing like the project RoA.


- Their work includes:


Design Ideas of the game world.




Textureing (if possible)


Retexturing (if possible)


Bonus Art for ingame goodies.


Tapestry work.


Concept art for the public.


Concepts for the production team (modders, modellers, texturers).


- They have the right to have their ideas put up for modelling.







- Anyone can write something up, then it goes to the SL and the the leaders.


- Things to write:


The Story (Revise and Revamped in ways)


Newspaper (A feature first implemented by the former-leader)




Notes (things in the game world you find, funnies or scary, 'CONTENT')


Maybe tapestry writings, spells on tapestries....


Made up spells (the actual words of witch craftery)


Diologue (everything NPCs say)


Quests (Write up quests)


- Foul language is allowed...


- A limit to the rude or foul language though.








- They have to get the ideas and descuss things with the Concept artists on this.


- They need to be good modeller's


- They need to know about Re/Texturing.


- They need to research in Vampires.


- Find out exactly how strong they are, and their weekness's.


- They are incharge of their Homes, Lore, and Culture.


- They have to make up a language for them.


- Everything from leaders, to their gods.








- Same rule as vampires but this needs more imagination in the history part.


- Find out wht you want them to live in.


- Talk to the leaders on these 2 species!





Nas Vega



- Total Revamp


- Members on this needs to create the biggest city in the game for this.


- New ideas needed.


- New mafia like leadership in the city.


- It has to defy all the other kingdoms.


- Its rich in the gambling part and very poor in another.


- Maybe think up a new name.


- History of the city.







- Almost done, but needs reworking in once in awhile.


- After all things are done, this needs one more look at to see if everything is perfect.




Interior Decorator.



- Makes sure the inside of a room meets the outside of the house.


- Places all objects in a room


- Plans out what it should look like.


- Stay in constant contact with an SL or a leader.


- Make the objects suit its enviroment.


- Dont place NPC's




Exterior Designer.



- Make sure the Statics meet the enviroments settings.


- Make sure all teleporting doors are correct and bug free.


- Place all houses, make sure theres no mistakes.


- Build Cities, Towns, Forts and castles.


- Replace ground texture where needed.


- Send saves to the Art Director so he can correct you before you do too much to correct.


- Be prepared to go back into work.


- make blueprints of your cities before creating them.


- Make the enviroment have feeling.


- Each city needs its own life, dont make cities identical, give it am history.



Pirates Island


What is it?"?!?




It is still unfinished, but this is a rough layout on the 'black board' feel of the development team.


If you want to be a part of the development and want to be in quick enough to give some of your ideas away, then thats great please go here.


We have rules placed so that members dont abandon us halfway through with out notice, also we have it for abuse and such.



To find more information on the mod in general, please go here.


We have three leaders, one is only a temperary one until we find a suitable one.


Btw, apex is getting a full REVAMP, no more X shape for a continant, no more sitting features, the mounts have been abanded because of their difficulty.


Please JoIn if you are willing to work for us.

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