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ENB problem with latest Nvidia drivers


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Basically the screen become highly contrast'd and some flickering on some areas inside the game. Only happens outdoors.


Normally this doesn't happen http://i.imgur.com/znxgQ.jpg




GTX 660Ti


Intel i3-2120 @ 3.3Ghz

Edited by Nofumasa
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had a problem with AMD drivers awhile bak, and it was the driver itself not skyrim, the shadows was flickering.

Have you recentley updated your drivers?

if so you will need to install an older one and waith for fix from Nvidia

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I did that (installing previous driver) but you lose performance after doing so. New drivers really upped the performance in a lot of games. I can handle this bug, because you don't get it everywhere. Hope the next drivers fix this (if not the ENBs get fixed).
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