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Help a fair maiden in need..


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I need someone with some kind of mod knowledge.. I want to make the Morokei Mask into the silver and moonstone circlet..

kinda like this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1839 .. but with the looks from the one with silver and moonstone.


Would be great if someone could make it for me :) or explain how to do it... It would really help me out a lot!


Thanks in advance ^^

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Hi Xiomora,


Sorry none been quicker to answer, Nexus use to have very quick responses normally.


After all it is a fantasy game, I realize I would like have something similar instead of the mask.


This is kind of simple to do after a little journey into CK using. However I'm to busy with RL now so I think someone else beats me to it before I got time to it this weekend.


Even better would be if you are willing to learn a bit into how to create this kind of things yourself cause I don't think this is the last time you would like to change something. :-)

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