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ENB improve performance


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Hi, I added this mod on Skyrim: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15105

I set the permormances as: (file attached)



And my game is a bit laggy ... and I want to improve performance WITH that mod.

Characteristics of my computer: Windows 7 x64 ; graphic card ATI Radeon HD 6670 ; 4go RAM ; processor Intel Pentium CPU G6960 (2,93GHz + 2,93GHz) and "Graphics performance for professional 3D applications and games = 7,1/7,9".


Please help me :D Thank you and Happy New Year !

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Drop anitaliasing (your card can't really handle it) and get an SMAA injector. Sweet FX is available here on the Nexus and comes with SMAA and a whole bunch other bells and whistles you probably don't need while running ENB. InjectSMAAmod (v0.3) is available through Google and is the predecessor of Sweet FX. It's just a user configurable SMAA injector without the additional post processing stuff from Sweet FX. And the oldest recommended version is InjectSMAA; it only comes with four quality presets. You'll have to set SMAA up as a proxy library in your ENB config.


Maybe turn off or at least lower the quality of the SSAO/SSIL in your ENB config. This will affect how good the ENB looks, but your card really can't handle it.


I could probably come up with 10 other things to try, but start with those.

Edited by MShoap13
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