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Commonwealth Mafia


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Had an idea for the game.

Let me know if there is already such a mod that will do what I am thinking. Kind of a Shark Tank/Realtor/Mob Security however you want to look at it idea.


Skip the Minutemen all together. Leave them with the raiders and death claw to deal with. Don't go siding with any other factions. Start your own!


You get your main settlenent. Start bringing people in. Will need a crew to run the base. Then you will be able to work on your training side of the base to build up settlers to become proper farmers, caravaneers and guards. Caravans travel between settlements and cities to help with trade of products.


You set up new settlements and call people over to it. You give them a set amount of scrap and caps to start with. Tell them you can supply your own farmers, caravaneers, and guards to help them out. They pay you rent for the houses, rent for the personnel, and give you a portion of the water and food produced. They get a roof over their heads, water, food and are safe. Everyone would be on their own and you only have to worry about your one settlement. If the other places need help defending themselves they can pay you more caps for more guards. Not going out in person handling every little call for help. More of a real "General" status. Not like with Minutemen where you are General in name but still have to go do all the work. Now you got soldiers to do that kinda work for you.


Say you go into a town like Diamond City. Talk to Swatters. "Hey I like your product and idea but think you could do more." Invest caps into the store. Instead of just baseball stuff let's see some football and hockey too. Selling chems? Let's sell all kinds. Same for meats and scrap materials. Really get the market booming. Rent the store you choose your guards and caravaneers. They expand and increase their product. Then each month they pay you the fee for your people plus 20% of the monthly take.


Now you have your fingers in all the honey pots. Also you can either be a gentleman about it all and lower the costs or percentage take and let the market run. Then again you could just jack the prices up to become a tyrant and if people get out of line your guards are everywhere to make sure people pay their protection fees.


Thinking something along these lines. Don't know if there is a mod to facilitate this or if there is a way to somewhat do this already in the vanilla game. Know you can have stores in you settlements and there is a perk to increase caps at vendors. Can side with raiders as well. Just looking for something to really bring this idea alive. A way to make your own faction.


Thinking about the name Street Sharks. Shark symbol for logo. Black, red and silver for colors. The "uniform" could be road leathers with a sleeveless greaser jacket and shark on the back. Combat armor on arms and legs. Patrolman sunglasses. Not sure on head gear. That would be basic uniform.


Then there would be a heavy class where they would have road leathers with full set of combat armor and shark on chest. Small road goggles for the eyes.


Farmers can wear farmer looking gear I suppose. Would suck to work out in the sun farming in leather.


Let me know your thoughts.

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