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Fallout Remastered?


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I will need to redevelop the mod again and get to that point, only this time I'll stop and smell the roses and get some shots. I do have a mod merged compilation that contains the scattered records that xedit will not allow to change? let me see If I can find that one and send it to you, you will have to use the plugin utility to make all the blank masters to view the records, mainly the weapons section contain (info) data, from dialog. unable to load it any more either into the geck. the plugin utility saves the file but the xedit will not.


hunting it down now.


EDIT: I'll just send the blanks too so you can load it up. for what this is you really don't need all the rest.



Edited by Purr4me
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Purr4me did you see my post? I could do with some advice on what i mentioned.



in about a half an hour, kinda busy here. place the data in question into a secure password protected archive, and send it to my e-mail with said password, don't post it here either so I can inspect it, change the name of the archive too. ok.



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I did send a PM and got a reply. Still waiting to receive any file. I would really like to have the newest version. I'm still using 1.0.

Ok, I just called his house, he's not at home , It's Sunday here and he did have things to do. Be patient, I am sure he will answer all his mail, just so you know, there have been 200 + mails I have sent since last night and not all from here either. Kinda busy too, we got church later on this evening so I won't be around either.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Just received some shots showing details of a bug. No place to put them except here. Problem is, some mods can not be ran with remastered because these bugs are removed with it, but not in the mods that were being used with it.


so far, I have been told as I understand it ? the other mods have this infliction so when used in tandem, the old bugs are brought back into the game despite the fact remastered is set low in the load order.


Symptoms are CTD on hard save any where in the game.


choppiness running.


Freezing up.


and the worst part is, no conflicts anywhere can be fond in any tools. That's the mind blower.


So far, effected mods are.

  • fellout any version.
  • Dynamic weather.
  • Fook
  • Fook 2
  • Project Reality
  • a ton of mesh files from over 300 mods.
  • a ton of texture files from over 300 mods.
  • and the normal things we deal with.

and about 2 dozen more I care not to list.

these shots are the only means to show what to look for using remastered last known pack. Irrespective of quest stages snafus which I am told is being repaired now, the data already out on the web can show these things so any one can see, go to that spot, with out remastered enabled and with it enabled to see the changes.


The bug found, lays directly on grid lines, a sort of fault line. it's going to take a bit to find a decent site to upload these shots too.


Edit: oK , 1rst shot shows A simple mod and fellouts data,My tree mod to substitute for other mods and remastered.



this next shot shows NO Remastered installed, just fellout and My tree mod substitute. look for the dividing line in the water, you will see it.

http://imageshack.us/a/img713/1017/noremasteredandfellouta.jpg Next shot is all of felouts codes Ripped out of remastered and it "fellout" is not installed, Just Remastered Partially repaired and given to me to do this with. And my wasteland tree mod not yet uploaded.


You will not find any grid lines in the code because they are now gone. in this brownish shot, no lines seen in the water and the game hard saves here too now. It will not hard save with felout installed here, on this line, standing on these rocks or anywhere near rivet city along the grids fellout touches.


another angle of the upcoming rebuilt Remastered mod. No other mods other than My tree mod and just Remastered. Scripts are being repaired now. Most of the bad stuff found and eradicated.


in this shot just above the rocks left side and edge in the water jutting up across the screen, that is a grid line for the ships mesh file, one item NOT editable at all, it's a hard codes mesh file. you can not overwrite this mesh, the breaks in the world space will forever be there, so in order to compensate for these bugs, things are being done to correct them. I have posted in other places in mod pages I support some small details as there is no central location for them. I don't expect newbies to know what this is, pro's do indeed know. this should answer some of the doubting minds I have run into here. all verifiable too. IF you still have the data.


Edited by Purr4me
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Purr4me - Hello!


I don't know about the other problems but that bug with the clean water & polluted water being sectioned like that is caused by making changes in that area with a mod that loads below Broken Steel.


It crops up once you complete the main quest & Broken Steel turns the water around Project Purity to clean.


It was noticed a long time ago over on the Streetlights comments, I remember talking to SpeedyB64 about it.


It was found that moving the Streetlights.esm above BrokenSteel.esm fixed the problem.


That's why Streetlights.esm has the odd looking but correct advice to load above BrokenSteel.esm, loading it below results in that exact same clean/polluted divide in the exact location in your picture.


I would assume any mod making changes like streetlights in that area would have the same trouble.


Hope this helps!



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