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Fallout Remastered?


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OK, then you have the Infamous GFWL bug roaming around in your paths some place, it's code, "anti cheat" is stopping the message from posting, this can only be done while n ram, it's being intercepted, as Remastered is designed to pick out this sequence. If that Posted message which should post to the saved game does not get entered, the stage was completed, but the DRM is preventing further play of the game. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many time I have gone threw this. If that thing is not shut down and certificated from your system, you will continue to have problems with all sorts of weird things.

GFWL does not like what we did. Plain and simple. The game is pretty strieght forward and if the GFWL codes are removed from the system, the backup data it " is hiding on you , which BTW is loading instead of what you think is loading", you will remain in limbo. If you run the GFWL disabler and see it move files from some hidden catch? that's the bug, and the files the game is running, NOT what is in your data directory, GFWL is designed to do that. If ther eis no changes in the code base it has, you game will not falter till the ending scene of Broken steel, and then....Just ends the game, That is what GFWL does.

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Yeah so the DRM is what causes it to happen. This mod does something that the DRM dislikes causing the DRM to trigger anti-theft technology and make it impossible to complete the game. I think I had the exact same issue a year or so ago probably when v1.1 or v1.0 of this mod was new (Or maybe I was using an alternate mod that served a similar purpose).

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Like I have said here in this forum. It's a tool, to protect you and I and every one from that sort of thing, My understanding of the lay out of the engines codes and this mod is not to disturb it's functions. If you Encounter such an algorithm in your game flow, it's because a mod other than remastered has in deed , installed Bad data from said source. That is ans was the the basis of the Fallout games fixes, To keep the Vanilla structures Vanilla.


a mod I just finished testing did in deed trigger this technology in RM, I made a patch for that mod, the trigger went silent. I removed the bad data from another mods packaging, I used the RM data in fo3edit to Isolate the bad parts, that did not match the games software, Removed 2 scripts and dialog, and any links to those scripts. Once done. and reloaded up in the geck, it saved the data, realigned it to be more on tap with what we want. Now, there is no triggering.


Understand, I test only one mod at a time, If it is a large mod. if it's a small one under 1MB, I may test 5 at once. What I look for is that triggering effect. it tells me one or the mod in question is questionable. Most of the time, if it's deliberate, I just delete it and move on. I want no part of it, If it's a mistake, I have published the mistake and notified the user / author that made it......and move on. Testing of this mod and My new entries to it causes many avenues of approach to change. it's not fun to run into head on a bad mod.


learn to use the tools offered too you while you have them. Learn to understand why they were made. It's most important not to lose sight of this. I respect these men and what they made. This mod here has repaired the games own data clean except the main master file "fallout3.esm", I can't touch it. all mods are made from the junk, contain said junk, and line up with said junk. The Junk ? fo3edit, right click it , select "check for errors",have super and wait, when it finishes, copy all you see in the right panel window to a rtf windows based file. save it. use of that for mat allow you to high lite the numbered text it hold, and use the editor to go directly to those spots, read and try to understand what was removed, it's not hard to figure out what applied there in those spots.


The out come of this is very Big. 45 minutes to process this on average machine. I have filled in all those gaps with an extension of Remastered codes.

Authors have used said empty error locations to place items into. well, not a good thing to do. that triggers the fail safes in the engine.


you past experience is the same as now, it never has changed, what has changed is the mod data you are using. IF you load only the data this team has made, you will NOT have any difficulty at all running fallout3, in fact ! all of the dlcs, error prone as they are will complete as specified and intended cleanly with no CTD's or freezes, It's the add on altered code people make, that cause changes to make the game stop working right.


I have ran into scenario's when in doubt here on this subject. caused me to stop and re due things, back up and start over, because I know better. Some others are very clever in how data is inserted into these mods for all these games. anything at all placed into the games folders will get loaded weather or not they are ticked in any load manager, any nif file, JPG, dds, TXT, xml, exe, any thing at all gets picked up. and used.


Anti theft technology makes a copy of all the data in the games structure when installed, you CAN NOT prevent this from taking place. windows will hide it.

It always loads too. xlive dll, fake or not, is tied into the engines core, and that where it all begins. no xlive dll ? no game run-time functions. Period.


That very data is the basis of fallout Remastered functions, only opened up so you can see where things are. IF you want too, and have the time, and believe the data is at fault? here is how you find out. back up what ever version you have with that saved game not working as a testing platform.


fo3edit any version Remastered, delete the tree's "Dialog, quest , and script. save and exit. load the game up, run it, find out the game continues as normal.

that's insider information now public for all mods that react badly to any Anti theft coding done. No instructions, no functions take place. Bloatware is what it becomes.


his is what I was taught and have learned and am still learning. I am studying Papyrus scripting with no games in mind. It's a new code the companies are going to be pushing hard.

It's a tool. use it as such.



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I play with FOSE so GFWL is never loaded.

Ok cool, good for you. this is what you do while I keep my cool, run fomm, minimize it, Enable GFWL Full on. delete the disabler from your game directory ,and lets just test that theory of this magic Bullet DRM remover tool called fose. If not for fun, then why not find out, right clek the task bar and fir up the task manager. open up the monitor process window. Minimize that, open fomm, disable the xlive dll. minimize fomm and run the game if you can??? That I want to see.


when you finally get into the game, alt tab out and open up the process manager and click open fallout.exe. look at the dependencies and see what is loaded with it, all things this game uses are there, and running. Including GFWL data.


If fose is the one and only cure for DRM fixing in these games, I'll bite. But as you can see by my post, I have my doubts to this CLAIM.


Oh, and I wonder why?


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we are done with this conversation, I know all about what it does. you jest enjoy your game ok, do what you think is right. fose is a script extender, it does not turn off any DRM data.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No offence, Purr4me, but you make an impression of someone having formal thought disorder. It's really hard to decipher the meaning of your posts. We still did not get clear and coherent answer on why mod was taken down. And the way it turned out is extreme and mean to players. Probably putting disclaimer in big red letters and disabling comments would be sufficient and saved you from wasting time on this e-mailing. And now it's even hard (if not impossible) to find what mod actually did and what's all this lamenting about. Although it seems mod does too much (like partial Fellout integration) but it still would be great to have all the bug fixes in one package without numerous compatibility patches. Well, good luck anyway, even if it's unlikely I will be playing by the time of its re-release to try it.

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No offence, Purr4me, but you make an impression of someone having formal thought disorder. It's really hard to decipher the meaning of your posts. We still did not get clear and coherent answer on why mod was taken down. And the way it turned out is extreme and mean to players. Probably putting disclaimer in big red letters and disabling comments would be sufficient and saved you from wasting time on this e-mailing. And now it's even hard (if not impossible) to find what mod actually did and what's all this lamenting about. Although it seems mod does too much (like partial Fellout integration) but it still would be great to have all the bug fixes in one package without numerous compatibility patches. Well, good luck anyway, even if it's unlikely I will be playing by the time of its re-release to try it.



I always thought it was using DLC or questionably hard coded stuff that worked without the DLC,ect or that it had stuff from other modders in it that while it worked the makers of the mods were not pleased.


It dose not take much to kill a large mod unless you take effort to make sure everything is above board.

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