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Fallout Remastered?


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actually, no, the thread reading , in it's entirety is enough to compensate for the flow ot the talk, to get involved in the on going conversation would mean you read and understood all that was said before, with that leaves you in a position to know the conversation was not meant to continue, and before your post, another had just posted the issues involved.


"it implemented other things?" <-- that there is an inference to determent the mod in question which is not even here.

or "dig at the past". <-- you cant say that with doing that as you said just now indeed did do. so you have read all of it. then think I am having kittens over it.


I just don't want to have the conversation to continue as it was. I posted the reason why too. that was ignored . too convenient for me. "WILL NOT UPLOAD ANY MOD THAT STIRS UP TROUBLE." <<------ which is all of this. my point and your last post to me about MY attitude and not really the mod, your more concerned about me. Used the thread to open to open the opportunity for that statement. And like a fool, I fell for it. Tosheea' !


Rude? ok. cool. rude then it is. WOW. ouch that hurts. here is a list of words that prevails on the interwebs that get into and under most peoples skins.

  • IMO your rude
  • condescending attitiude
  • detriment to this great community.
  • confrontational<--- which was the lead in in your post. "it implemented other things?"
  • "gone to your head"<--- nice !
  • spoiled child<----really, who was interested in the toys?
  • poor attitude<--- that's low! me of all people poor attitude? WOW !
  • which are often barely coherent, BTW<--- POW !
  • reek of false arrogance - you are obviously over-compensating for something<---drawing pictures I see. see bellow>
  • weird lust for power or authority,--- I had to laugh at that.


Draw that without our wares.


ok so you got a bite.

"Why are you so angry?" <---- the above post by yours truly, oh encase you don't comprehend that , it would have been yours and a few others.

But all this a side, Not angry at all, just fed up arguing with this stuff and being placed in this position as you have done and the others have done.

all over something that once was, could be, may not be now. You think this sort of thing would turn you off, well, lets see, your last paragraph speaks for it's self. so it does I can see. you are now in my shoes. how's it feel? you know, not much up there is about any mod. the mod was used as leverage to get to me. If I had a bad attitude. I think you would know it by other means. and the offer is still open despite the run down. Have fun.



Edited by Purr4me
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The problem, I suspect, is you are interpreting "it implemented other things" as some sort of criticism.


I meant the mod addressed things other than bug fixes, ie Fellout-like changes. I did not imply it affected other things negatively.


I orginally thought the mod was a only bugfix mod - I was apparently mistaken, it also incorporates other things beyond that. That was all I was implying.

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The problem, I suspect, is you are interpreting "it implemented other things" as some sort of criticism.


I meant the mod addressed things other than bug fixes, ie Fellout-like changes. I did not imply it affected other things negatively.


I orginally thought the mod was a only bugfix mod - I was apparently mistaken, it also incorporates other things beyond that. That was all I was implying.

understood, now we can start over if you wish?

the bugs are what the mod was all about, all the bugs in fact. Fellout codes, repaired in Fallout Remastered base codes, But, in combination of other mods as-stated, there came to be a supper really dark problem we could not compensate for, pitch black nights and supper bright days, even mods such as the imagination would not compensate for that code. it , after all was loaded very last so it ruled the game.


despite the bug fixes and accelerated game play, These things all mattered to every one. it clobbered other mods data. why? because the very same bugs from the main game files were in fact in those mods, what happens to the codes if we shut them down? they all shut down all links within any mod, are parallel to the codes we fixed, fellout was old and proven, we fixed it's code and were allowed to incorporate it. then parts, not all of Enhanced weathers data, specif points of lighting levels were changed up and some down for exteriors to compensate for fellout should a player use that mod, just enough to make the balance. then came along Dynamic weather, as I read these notes here, at this point in time, this mod we are referring to was called master fix. the team as you do not know whom they were , are still in effect except 2 gentlemen. one member is now very famous and went on to NV game, he has amassed a great deal of works into a single mod. his data is error fixes which was incorporated into the invisible wall fix mod then that was melded into master fix as a whole. all of this history was wiped out by the main authors orders. I am the unlucky party to pull the pins to that grande. Ouch. well most of the UF2p, not all of it it seems was also part of master fix and then through Jeoshua and quran the data we needed and some of it re-written to compensate for newer mods data was melded into it. No need for UF3P as Presna say's why would any one duplicate it. ? ok, you do need all the mesh and textures for that mod, just don't need what is already running. a shame it was done this way, it has cause all this grief between people and being that PM is private, E-m,ails are Private, none of the things that go on behind the scenes are ever known. or volunteered. now. that's a lot to swallow. there is 3 years of history here, you want me to post all of that too?

Freddy farnsworth can give you a better history rundown and I think that is also posted some place here on the nexus, not sure where I saw it. But it's all there.

My boss at the time, the main author, removed the mod for personal reasons as stated all over the world. not only that. there was some humbug things posted by authority figures and he said he did not ever want that seen again. only way was to Volunteer the removal of the mod, I was told, there are things we need to consider other than the mod. peoples minds and modding, and the source. there were Embarrassing things posted. I'll leave it at that. those who know, know. nothing more be said about it. This Girl does whats shes told to do, I was just told to FIX this, Have I fixed this?

hers hoping? ++++++



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Thank you, that was informative and actually quite interesting. As i said I am new to FO3 modding so "master ifx", Remastered etc is all new to me.


I apologize for the comments in my previous post. I felt I was being attacked for no reason, so I responded aggresively. It was just a misunderstanding.

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Fantastic ! James will be proud tomorrow when he wakes I hope. he has a lap top and is off line now .so I don't know.

Robert01 is one team member no one know why he split, his authentic attention to detail was astounding in format using adobe PDF forms. to see his style, you can down load the older package of paradox ignitions eve merger. in there are his lay outs. this was what we wanted for our team. what happened? I have no clue, I am Shielded from the truth on that. I don't want to know. But. error fixes and the NV site have a tremendous offerings from the left over team members, Jeoshua has a lot of mods I believe too. I have only two. one is a trial thing for trees. the other is highly important and a workaround for a few mods, not just the one it targeted, there are 7 mods in totality it covers. I think ahead in codes needed.


The shot I posted here, that is the new Remastered design. base coded only for floral as an esp. and you can turn it off. all of it, but? the trigger for that is archive-invalidate, once toggled off, no trees or grass anywhere, and you have 100% vanilla. toggled on, you have what you see in the shot.

Now. the bad part , this will require a strong machine. being that it's 2013 and we now have massively fast PC's available and price has come down, we are going to push the boundaries, we are not going to wait for Bethesda to do that, we will beat them to it.


I have a separate core file I use. it has in it My personal bugs. bugs I used on purpose to see If Remastered kills them. If that seems arrogant? so be it, I don't want to post garbage. I think the thread here shows that. Ripped my own mods apart because of one complaint and fixed it. it's back up. not many have used it and its' not 100%, I can't cure the common cold called fallout3. LOL.


I have to test things on all levels. there not much traffic left, can you imagine what would happen if it bombed out? Disappointment of massive proportions.

I need robert01's permission to release code they had built, mainly the pdf's he made for masterfix mod, I need to edit them and update them for remastered mod as they are both one and the same. James invisible wall remover had it's error fixes codes removed by me by orders of the author. I hope like heck I did not mess it up? it's for you to Incorporated into your mods if you like, that's whats its for. some data can be duplicated in these games with out ill effects. that's one of the items. there are 67 items on a list I have here. the trees you see and the grass codes are combined 5 items in total.

so I followed instructions to the letter, I have not left anything out so far. I need help and I can't share data with just anyone. last time i did, it got messed up on the return flight. there are some guide lines a company uses we follow and do not deviate from. that needs to be followed.



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The screenshot is definitely gorgeous...normally I actually prefer the barren, treeless vanilla look but that image makes me reconsider...


And I have to admit my ignorance and say I'm still not 100% sure what "invisible walls" are in FO3...I am looking at the mod page now tho to try and understand.

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The screenshot is definitely gorgeous...normally I actually prefer the barren, treeless vanilla look but that image makes me reconsider...


And I have to admit my ignorance and say I'm still not 100% sure what "invisible walls" are in FO3...I am looking at the mod page now tho to try and understand.

ok, in the code as many authenticated and well known authors have found is in face a term called "invisible walls." ok, these particular terms are associated with some but not all collision markers. Thus, you will see 99% of the data in James's wall remover labeled as such. How ever, the story is incomplete. you see, not all of them are labeled that way, some are in fact triggers, a collision marker trigger, those are not touched. some are labeled in other ways, only some are touched , these some that are NOT labeled as invisible walls but another name are linked to other things, those are not touched, some are. some are not even editable either.


How ever, because of this, people seemed to have thought that was it. it was coincidental that had come about. what it was for was over time, as the first poster there on the thread laid out, are barriers coming down in the middle of game play that prevented furthest access to normal areas, example the death-claw entrance, a tunnel or two, the capital building lower floors in many sections shut down, and the NC's then selves can not transverse e these .there are no triggers to activate them. the game flaws are the cause. we're talking about 100 + hours of game time and these start to show up.


The term "Gary's mod" is reference to an albino scorpion red in color, it's an in-game ANTI cheat component. DRM of a sort.

in fallout 3, the core of the game was designed to activate these things if any pat of the strings that are hit, / GFWL code in the main engine or the main esm are hit, they activate, meaning the game will try to discourage you from playing. it's a bad bug. these are invisible walls, triggers not activating because some collision ,markers were in fact touched, stops normal game play. these are invisible walls, a script that gets hauled in this way will not CTD the game, instead it drops a blanket effect in the cell of things you have no idea where or what they come from. invisible walls. Not just a collision marker, but other things effected by the code attached to them. some good, some not so good, and some really bad. these are only the ones he and many others isolated by trial an error. From what I read, there was a lot of outside user input to help locate and eradicate the bad ones. some of them are tricky , some are used to prevent NPC's from engaging prior to you players arrival, but, once the player is in radius of that trigger, those walls drop. as in the tunnels.


the point is, if those are set to transparent, you cant see them, some of these things do in fact serve a purpose ,the ones selected are not serving the player any purposes but to hinder game play. rest assured those that do in fact serve a purpose were not touched. that's all in remastered too. all of it.

other thing not seen but occasionally are seen are these shadows . you see them on tree's 4 points and larger than the trees. some are seen on the power up rights for the power lines. some times the mesh is not even posted Just that shadow, so it looks as though its there till your up close and personal and see, it's missing it mesh. that is an invisible wall, a code you can not see come to life. because of that, I am able to detect and make the others now show up in game for mod authors only, as it would serve n purpose to you to have such a thing, but to an author, making a new world space, and the geck automatically chooses these walls and collision types, we can't tell it not too, they need to see , the hidden data to remove, alter, move from the cell, change it's size or properties. this is required, or is all guess work and bug reports from then on.


Remastered teams goals were to stop that bug reporting climatic mess. the authors need good tools, not "yeah this will work for all game thing.", because these tools are specialized for a reason. I can make a 1k mod, place a doorway you can never cross even in god mod and tcl , noway no how. put that thing right in front of vault 101 and not even show up in any tools. there is only 1 single *.nif for these codes to follow, the codes in an esm and esp dictate how they are used. conflicts occur within a cell if one or more of these are not set the same way or connect to an object and do different things, when that takes place a wall, you can't see drops down.


Now, normal game play example. exit at enclave base, right? ok your in side. you hard save and exit, you either meet the big guy /gal Falwks or you don't. hard save an exit, load and reload the game. you do this about 4 or 5 times and you might find these invisible-walls slam don inside that base, you can't travel back , if you can, you turn around, and bang, no passage possible, tcl, and you go 5 feet, and there is another one. thing here is it;s one giant solid brick of a wall this hundreds of individualist cells locking your path.


WHY? because you can only do the quest once, that's built in code, and that base is slated for removal, in other words, what you see is the game cleaning up or preparing to clean up dead weight. this crap is all over the game world in this game, outside and every where. that's what an invisible wall is. not what some one thought it was.


now you will be sure 100% what an invisible wall is, if it does not work , something is standing in your way, whereto it be a collision marker, a barrier or a script not firing because of one of these objects killing your game. that's whats important to know and why.


kitty. :cool:

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Some things get better over time, some not. Tonight, I am delibrtly attempting an isolation factor with 3d39.dll, The opertating systems and all programs that require 3d effects from direct x data. What I have is a raw, non updated reinstall on a new ssd drive. partitioned in segaments. 32bit and 64bit multiboot configurations. each set up the same exact way .the only changes between all systems are the facts I am not allowing any updateing to take place, I am using a known good installation Imaged to an iso, over 28 gig's in size, I mount that and copy it to each drives partition. "C;\games\ect....


the results are here.




you know , the geck, 3dMax, and a lot of other things also crash due to this arrangement, and I can-watch movies, do all the online stuff in 3d just fine but on the systems, no way at all to get them to run.

Next. I am just going to allow only the system hardware drivers from Microsoft to install from windows update on each system one at a time. then go back to the first one and run the geck, 3dmax ,and then the game, and see what happens.

this bug is pointing to a rendering flow in the game, I have every known version from DX 8 to 11 installed and all DEV packages as well, this here should not take place.


I have not installed this machines hardware drivers, no graphics chip-set drivers from its main CD. Just the windows OS (x86) (x64) and both are Ultimate. only 2 choices. some one else can take this that has the other systems and attempt to also duplicate this bug.



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