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Fallout Remastered?


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ZippyDSMlee, on 19 May 2013 - 08:34, said:


Is that the reason FO3 will work for 2 hours sometimes and then sometimes crash every 2 minutes?

To answer that, I would require as to which context you are referring to? If you mean the game, and I am guessing here, yes, precisely, + the ongoing investigation into the games requirements was just discovered too. The above is where I was early this morning, presently after I did what I posted, the game now runs and fast !, it loads very dam fast too !


there are posts in the tech and troubleshooting parts of the nexus that this applies too. So far, there are 2 very different supplied display drivers for this piece of equipment and the OS versions, they are NOT the same, how ever, both respond extremely well in the above procedure. Default I had only 8 bytes of ram available NOW ! over 2 gigs to rendered data, 512 base ram. both systems show this. Video Ram can be increased for the game by changing out the virtual system ram size. at the moment. it's default settings for OS installations and OS requirements. I will be posting a single shot here showing what Microsoft Developers have installed for AMD's hardware components. This driver is not even close to the motherboard cd drivers way ! way ! better.


64bit systems are different too, ram changes in size for that system as well. So, it seems I nailed the bug so far for non launching or game not starting or loading, how ever you wish to word it. Hardware and software are very important. I am updating the java now as it seems the windows update program found that too, and said it's out of date, it's updating in the middle of all of this, modem drivers changed ,a lot has change !


One step at a time.

One thing here, base settings gets loaded when software gets changed in this game structure. the before settings were (1080 x 1024), but, after the fresh install from windows update, the game registered (800 x 600) basic when i opened up the launcher to check it. I reset it to (1080 x 1024) again , ultra high and rant the game, all advanced settings set to their max , in game menu said display was at Large. ok, I set that to medium because I am not rushing this.

It's a bug hunt , not a game bug hunt . < . > an OS (bit) bug hunt.



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Well I was running 64bit then switched over to 32 bit and found little change in crashes. Under my old install it would lockup and never un lockup, under the 32bit Win 7 it sometimes unlocks itself. But most of the time when it locks up its dead. Mind you I am running wanderers edition and my own weapons mods(and acouple aid item mods) along with a GNR song extender, archive invalidation, FO3edit merge patch(of which I am unsure to run last or first). I've tried running just vanilla but did not see any real change in the crashing/lockups. So I suffer through the random crashing. I have noticed it seems to help if you shut down programs that use alot of memory like Firefox, Geck,Thunderbird but it still randomly crashes without them running. It just seems to me that this game with or without extra content is a crazy crash wh*%#. 0_o Oh well all I have left is most of Point lookout and the final bits of project purity.

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you speaking of mods and playing with them as if they were to blame, I can try and make you understand something here, I have to original set of mods I had before, but a new systems, a set of them and the above show no loads. nothing at all + other software requiring d3d9 rendering, I had all the needed software for any game to run, and then some + all of those mods. no launch. now just one set of changes and ...it's NOT game related, it does help the game, but this set of tests are done in such a way to set up a no run condition to determine what if any the problem is I see posted every where.


understand, I have laid out here, and several other places, the reasons most players are having difficult. The bugs are drawn into their mods, how old is FWE? How old are most of those mods? How many mods do you have that have been changed by newer software programs out of sync with a 2007 -2009 released game? Get the picture yet? all of those mods have the main games bugs in them, compounded, and all mixed up in different places, but they do carry them.


That is what is the cause along with what I just found out. Think about this for 1 moment, each mod author has their system set up a certain way, no 2 authors are the same, the only thing in common are the PC's, mostly and the source of the game, but, the systems are not all the same, so the data won't be, the only guaranteed Identical data is the game it's self. new tools rearranging codes according to the OS kernels, Environments and rendering.


we need to narrow the field down a lot.



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you speaking of mods and playing with them as if they were to blame, I can try and make you understand something here, I have to original set of mods I had before, but a new systems, a set of them and the above show no loads. nothing at all + other software requiring d3d9 rendering, I had all the needed software for any game to run, and then some + all of those mods. no launch. now just one set of changes and ...it's NOT game related, it does help the game, but this set of tests are done in such a way to set up a no run condition to determine what if any the problem is I see posted every where.


understand, I have laid out here, and several other places, the reasons most players are having difficult. The bugs are drawn into their mods, how old is FWE? How old are most of those mods? How many mods do you have that have been changed by newer software programs out of sync with a 2007 -2009 released game? Get the picture yet? all of those mods have the main games bugs in them, compounded, and all mixed up in different places, but they do carry them.


That is what is the cause along with what I just found out. Think about this for 1 moment, each mod author has their system set up a certain way, no 2 authors are the same, the only thing in common are the PC's, mostly and the source of the game, but, the systems are not all the same, so the data won't be, the only guaranteed Identical data is the game it's self. new tools rearranging codes according to the OS kernels, Environments and rendering.


we need to narrow the field down a lot.



Its funny you say that as I ran less mods but have gotten 100 more crashes or more out of FO3 than Oblivion in about the same time frame with FO3 its nearly 105 hours I finished Oblivion in 80 hours. Surely FO3 is something that is easier to make buggy or is already buggy to start with.

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the latter is the case here, IF we all did not have all this new hardware and OS software, .....where would we all be? a lot less crashing would be that result as long ago, most bugs were found, the ones considered immediate required repairs. open the exe 1.7 or version of the game engine in notepad ++, scan / search for PS# and xbox, you can open up the main bsa archive and still find all that code in the bsa's. this game was designed for a console market, ported to the PC market and just laid out there for use to fight over. When that code hits, while in game play or an author uses that data meant for another machine, he or she is not looking at what it was meant for. On a goggle search for some mesh files, mesh files seen in recent mods, codes found , Form ID's are from the xbox series game data, this was found in fo3edit and is found in the geck. Creatures data. that data is NOT in this PC game, it was !, before shipment/conversion, where it was is those empty spots, the errors seen in the main esm file. it's a lot of missing data. That can't be fixed, so we fixed all of it, by way of the patches, every one has tried, you, and I still encounter what this discussion is all about. crashing, bug fixing, hell on wheels and no place seen to stop it all.


Sky-rim was launched, and , it turned out that the same thinking was applied to that game. How many have invested their time in attempting to fix, what should not be our problem to begin with? Too many.


Bottom line here is, if we buy an RPG game, it had better be made strictly for the PC, not stripped and converted for it just to make money. they made enough long ago to fix all of this, pay good engineers to repair and provide us with the correct, source coded data the game requires. they have not, we are left to fend for our selves if we wish to use the product, a good game , an old good game, If fallout 4 comes out , this messed up? there gonna be all this again, for that game. see a pattern here yet?



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True true. I really wish they would just give up and release the source code or a real SDK instead of the handicapped editor. At least that way the community can band together and have it fixed in a more efficient manner.

Every exe ever made contains in it's head information of the codes it once contained or is disabled, console cheats, console commands gives us access to most of these disabled commands, internal structures of the executable. the Handicapped GECK kit, is no exception to this rule. I can get into a lot of trouble IF I posted the required information needed to access all of that, I know where the data is. It serves no purpose because, I can't use it. no one can, it's protected by copy rights .now some enterprising people have opened up some of that and have not said where it came from. you can bet, those are old DEV's that posted the information, it's found on Google from code searches from with in the geck it's self. Some dll's are propitiatory Microsoft licensed files, once these files are dropped into the game directory, a ton of things turn on by them selves, it's like a magic wand, here is the weird thing, they hid the data so you can't see it in a PE editor, they forgot about the new bread of Notepad ++ Gurus and whats they used and have given us freely, it all boils down to assembly, assemble the coded sequences and proper data to open up the things in a broken editor, I had it at 85 % unlocked, I had HDR re-enabled, the result is seen in my shots and that just one single esp and a few mods I used to test against. so, rumors have it of a reborn Remastered file, the coded data I have found, and used is kept out of the main file for that reason alone. I have submitted a request for its' use. until I get factual confirmation I can distribute that code, I can not release it. these are the rules. I'll respect them as they serve a purpose.

Zippy....you may feel like we are left out in the cold, we are not. reasons why they can not give us that resource code is because they are not allowed too.

in the games start up screen, you will see all the software companies involved every time you run fallout3 or any of the publishers games. I can direct you to the seriousness of the rule books here by telling you to go to peach-tree.com and read their agreements to use that software ,that's just one of the many companies that are in control of this game ,it's not Just Bethesda, it's their agreements to use licensed products not made by them, the can not distribute that information or data, that's why it's crippled. it may seem as though some of us, put the company down, well, it's not that, it's the fact they had the power to fix this and did not do that. there is no reason at this point in time they can not fix all their game, built a svn and PE repair patch for all of them and provide an update, one that helps and not hurt the products we are supporting. it's a lot to consider. but LOL, I have Enjoyed immensely the games and the research into all the awesome programs that made these games a reality. I used that knowledge to make my first mod, it works too. I used all my training to make a decent patch for a bug that stem across many mods and it still is not 100%, never can be because of the above comments I made. still, I have interest in the games, I hope fallout 4 is taken aside and done in the manner I speak of. if not? then I will go find a Job in the movie industry and never touch a game again. it's lie giving up smoking. you just need to make up your mind and do it

kitty.......we are not alone

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True true. I really wish they would just give up and release the source code or a real SDK instead of the handicapped editor. At least that way the community can band together and have it fixed in a more efficient manner.

Every exe ever made contains in it's head information of the codes it once contained or is disabled, console cheats, console commands gives us access to most of these disabled commands, internal structures of the executable. the Handicapped GECK kit, is no exception to this rule. I can get into a lot of trouble IF I posted the required information needed to access all of that, I know where the data is. It serves no purpose because, I can't use it. no one can, it's protected by copy rights .now some enterprising people have opened up some of that and have not said where it came from. you can bet, those are old DEV's that posted the information, it's found on Google from code searches from with in the geck it's self. Some dll's are propitiatory Microsoft licensed files, once these files are dropped into the game directory, a ton of things turn on by them selves, it's like a magic wand, here is the weird thing, they hid the data so you can't see it in a PE editor, they forgot about the new bread of Notepad ++ Gurus and whats they used and have given us freely, it all boils down to assembly, assemble the coded sequences and proper data to open up the things in a broken editor, I had it at 85 % unlocked, I had HDR re-enabled, the result is seen in my shots and that just one single esp and a few mods I used to test against. so, rumors have it of a reborn Remastered file, the coded data I have found, and used is kept out of the main file for that reason alone. I have submitted a request for its' use. until I get factual confirmation I can distribute that code, I can not release it. these are the rules. I'll respect them as they serve a purpose.

Zippy....you may feel like we are left out in the cold, we are not. reasons why they can not give us that resource code is because they are not allowed too.

in the games start up screen, you will see all the software companies involved every time you run fallout3 or any of the publishers games. I can direct you to the seriousness of the rule books here by telling you to go to peach-tree.com and read their agreements to use that software ,that's just one of the many companies that are in control of this game ,it's not Just Bethesda, it's their agreements to use licensed products not made by them, the can not distribute that information or data, that's why it's crippled. it may seem as though some of us, put the company down, well, it's not that, it's the fact they had the power to fix this and did not do that. there is no reason at this point in time they can not fix all their game, built a svn and PE repair patch for all of them and provide an update, one that helps and not hurt the products we are supporting. it's a lot to consider. but LOL, I have Enjoyed immensely the games and the research into all the awesome programs that made these games a reality. I used that knowledge to make my first mod, it works too. I used all my training to make a decent patch for a bug that stem across many mods and it still is not 100%, never can be because of the above comments I made. still, I have interest in the games, I hope fallout 4 is taken aside and done in the manner I speak of. if not? then I will go find a Job in the movie industry and never touch a game again. it's lie giving up smoking. you just need to make up your mind and do it

kitty.......we are not alone


So basically they rent out things like Havoc physics and are locked into a contract. Even then I can see the use of locked proprietary hard code and basic scripting but I guess that's what we have now just with a no code editor.


I use to do bad scripting on unreal script, got pissed at UT3 for being so locked up but even so people made new code that did what the locked code did, it was odd but thats what I was thinking beth could do with their games. Have it setup as you see the child scripts but not many if any of the a parents that give you all the details of the code, that way people could at least run their own code sets and override the more buggy aspects of the game. Of course they would have to set limits on what needed to be locked and bug the component developers enough to get them to sign a contract where they could do a somewhat limited SDK. I mean just look at source from Valve they use contracted out components yet have an SDK. I think it can be done the trouble is they do not see the good of it and I am like use the community for bug testing and patches, at least with that you get support after the first 6 months of the game after official support dries up..


I love gaming but its become TV or film (looking at you Star trek:into darkness), anything smart and witty is replaced by drab and shiny but hollow crap, I tend to wait till a game is under 25$ befor I buy it and I always buy used, unless I have money for the rare JRPG, tho I will spend 30 on randomly good but bad games like Bayanetta,Shadows of the Damned or Lolipop chainsaw mostly because the non AAA titles seem to try and bring better mechanics to the table tho its all haphazard, bought 2 JRPGs for the WII. I have a backlog of over 30 titles and with the way online only and moronic DRM is going I'm done with buying consoles so the next generation of non PC games I'm not buying into.


As for beth games I will move to FO:NV next then after a a few months or a year I will move onto skyrim since I should be able to get it all for 20ish by then.

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skyrim $19.95 at wall mart covered up in dust sitting on the shelf with about 20 copies, they sold only five since release date. Mass effect , $13.95, and so on.

changed inventory and no longer ordering PC games, that's where it's at, the announcement here in the new about the new xbox unit, is where it's going to be, My daughter and I both have a kindle handheld, I see new android games coming on market, it's all online now.


Desktops, laptops are a dying breed. hang on to all you can grab while you still can, down load all you can while you still can because soon, all these will be no more. I played with the idea of an android game, Have the needed software to produce it too. have not even cracked it open , still in the box.

Not ready to give up.


the sales now online in the steam fours , a ton of stuff is really cheap as in penny's on the dollar type of cheap. keep all you can and store it for that rainy day when the net dies, solar winds blow out power lines and cable, you have that laptop and your saved data to make time pass.


don't wait too long though, I seen already a store in Fremont cal, throw out in the garbage can, hundreds of old games and movies no body wants. they are useless because the technology that used it is now obsolete. no buyers for it .lost profits.


remastered was and still is , that dream ,available by the posted message only. the core files are not. My tree mod has worn out it's welcome too, i see preferred texture and mesh overwrite s to my coding so I won't be uploading that.



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install all of the main game files first, copy them to a safe place. uninstall fallout 3 and reinstall it. copy back your saved DLC files.

install your tools. edit load order and enable only the main game files and dlcs. run the game, set up th e games graphics base line first ,ugly as all heck 800x 600, don't fight the setup, don't try to over rule the default running programs untill it's all installed and done messing with things while the game is running.

once you have finished the vault 101 escape in a normal way, and hard save after all dlc's have been announced, now you can install all your mods. always install our lod very last after you have established the others first in game. then you can use the correct patches for those mods. you won't have to worry too much about invalidating very much done in this way.

Basic fallout 101.


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