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Fallout Remastered?


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It's a shame that that happened. I really do want to use the mod, but there is a level of respect that is not only deserved, but demanded.

Good luck with the hunt Purr4me, I hope that it's resolved quickly.


what it means really is: Treat the act like say, the versions we removed are 1.0 and the versions right now being privately distributed are v 5.0 A world apart and not even close.


"putting a fire out before cooking the meal is cold food".


The author completely revamped the mod so none of the old patches or software will work with this new data. And 1 small item about the master file. It's locked !, you can't edit it, you can't change it to an esp and make changes to it and reverse that procedure and expect it to work.


There is one mod author in support of this that has it now. IT is a massive mod, Data size of the esm is 10. +mb.


Do you believe undermining the authors intentions is the right thing to do? I don't.


if you want My patches, I'll send them to you, if you want the Originals, the post and directions have been posted.


But if you want the patches that belong to the other authors on the team? you ask them, they made them. IF you don't see them on the nexus? it is because they don't want their patches distributed.


all I know is, I get a lot of heat from something that was removed for good reason. and it should not be up there. At this point , there may never be a new one posted, and we now know who did it too. it's up to the author as what is going to happen.


distribution of the Preliminary file set is being conducted on a smaller scale, 1 package is 3.4 mb compressed, and the final Beta is 4.4mb compressed. the larger set has no lose files and are not to be extracted as lose files as they have been optimized and compressed for speed with HD res in mind for high end machines.


You know even I don't have the right to distribute the mod as of yet nor do I have the links bu one sent from a reply in an e-mail but that data is here so it's not required. I can't edit the files either. But I have a fully loaded game and it's crash free and I can add a remove mods freely with out worry, mods that have bugs in them, I am able to locate and kill very fast. Isolate what needs to be Isolated quickly and move on.


When I do get a "CTD" then I know for a fact what mod caused it and can look into the matter fast, I send the data to that author...Privatly and the bugs are hence fixed.


That's what I do. Pluss ! I am making my own mod too. going to take a long time at this rate. I've posted hints of it.


But this problem? not my concern now. all the data in what was uploaded will be nulled out when the new mod goes live. where? I have no idea.



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Just so I'm clear - at this point is it still ok to PM you with email details and ask for them to be forwarded to the authors?


I'd really like to get a copy of Fallout Remastered, but I only want to do so according to the author's wishes.


I'd be grateful for any reply - feel free to PM me if you prefer.


Many Thanks,



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Just so I'm clear - at this point is it still ok to PM you with email details and ask for them to be forwarded to the authors?


Many Thanks,




Yes, it's ok/, just so no one asks me for the files them selves or kinks, just make sure you supply your e-mail so I can forward the request.


My in box here in the PM gets flooded to quickly with redundant requests because there are not e-mails in them. too much work.


include you e-mail with your request and that's it. I then forward the request to the author. I won't have to constantly respond to PM's if done this way but just once.


I'll be clear here. what you get is completely up to the author, the last known files that once were up on the nexus are the requested items + I am guessing your going to get the WIP updated esp version 5.0 in return.


No support from me here on them as I would not know what you get, understand?


EDIT: one more thing here, Please do not post in My profile Just the messenger PM systems, I am deleting all Profile posts, why is simple, thats a open door and any one can see your e-mail address in that spot. Those that have done so and wonder why your post was not answered is I have approval set on. No profile posts please.



Edited by Purr4me
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Just so I'm clear - at this point is it still ok to PM you with email details and ask for them to be forwarded to the authors?


Many Thanks,




Yes, it's ok/, just so no one asks me for the files them selves or kinks, just make sure you supply your e-mail so I can forward the request.


My in box here in the PM gets flooded to quickly with redundant requests because there are not e-mails in them. too much work.


include you e-mail with your request and that's it. I then forward the request to the author. I won't have to constantly respond to PM's if done this way but just once.


I'll be clear here. what you get is completely up to the author, the last known files that once were up on the nexus are the requested items + I am guessing your going to get the WIP updated esp version 5.0 in return.


No support from me here on them as I would not know what you get, understand?


EDIT: one more thing here, Please do not post in My profile Just the messenger PM systems, I am deleting all Profile posts, why is simple, thats a open door and any one can see your e-mail address in that spot. Those that have done so and wonder why your post was not answered is I have approval set on. No profile posts please.




Yep - completely understand. I'm not expecting any support via the Nexus (or yourself - or anyone really) for these files, and I understand that I may not get the files that were last hosted on the Nexus.


Thanks - I'll get you a PM.

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It never ceases to amaze me how people can be so selfish to ruin things for everyone else. I only got to use Remastered once then got a new computer and now i am in the dark. Purr4Me I sent a message to you and hope you get it.

Again people need to wake up and understand Mod authors are our friends until you ruin it then they walk away.

Edited by sirjohn45
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As an advisory, Prior to the removal of "Remastered" this data was
known to the author of said mod. the arguments the preceded the
controversy dealt with these facts. Now, Published in the open the
faults lay wide open.




Now.......Just imagine ? what this does to an engine that does not
contain that bsa archive
or the fallout game as it does not contain
"papyrus scripting?".


All patches, especially Blackended updated, and PI ignitions Updated
EVE patches contain this Hidden "Papyrus codes" laced in the patches.


No more arguments can now be made. fo3edit 3.0.15 was and always will be
the only editor we will support. after that point, the data is
corrupted. remastered can not read said codes. as in the posts that once were viewable, (PI) early version, as in the old version did not contain this code, but the new file did. user base coplained of a CTD on start-up useing the updated codes. ok, so, Blackended made a new patch to match that new file and the game would now run. all fine right?


Nope. weird things start to take place in the game, remastered can not get along with unknown scripts as they are not in the Vanilla fallout3 game data, EXCEPT mod made or edited with the UPDATED fo3ediror.


The end results are this, you no longer are going to have any benefits from the use of remastered as post's of this are being seen.


The author tried in vain to reconcile this with the author on Bethesda web site in private and then once in public to NO avail.


thus, removal of the mod was the only course left. NOW. the this link shows the data in question. This program TES5 id fo3edit with just the name changed. If you want to port Skyrim to fallout 3? the author has granted an upload if that port can be authorized by Bethesda and the nexus.


Being common sense here, this will never take place. so no mod will be seen.


This is falout3 and it contains no "papyrus scripts" nor can the engine read it.


THIS ! was the argument and it will always remain that way.


Thanks for reading.



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Purr4me - Hello!

"Now, Published in the open the faults lay wide open."

Uh, that article you linked to is about Skyrim .esm & .esp File structures.

I don't see it's connection to Fallout 3.

As to Papyrus, that's Skyrim's scripting language:


Again, nothing to do with Fallout 3.

"contain this Hidden "Papyrus codes" laced in the patches"

Papyrus scripting language in Fallout 3 mods? Why? What would be able to read Papyrus in Fallout 3?

No Fallout 3 mod should contain Papyrus scripting, it would be pointless as it's unreadable by Fallout 3.

No version of FO3Edit I've seen would add Papyrus, for a start FO3Edit does not add scripts to your mods.

A little puzzled,


Edited by prensa
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Presna, Hi, so you want me to connect the dot's for you? ok, I shall but you won't like it.



Uh, that article you linked to is about Skyrim .esm & .esp File structures.


Read all on that page. Yep, your right about that ! yes sir.



I don't see it's connection to Fallout 3.



As to Papyrus, that's Skyrim's scripting language:





Again, nothing to do with Fallout 3.

still don't see a connection? Hmm, ok, I must be the blind one here ---->




Full article and coverage of the basic need to know. (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859/ )


And also while your there, read the download description please.







9,573 unique downloads






1,921kb size



Improved VMAD support, Dragonborn DLC support, and Improved Cleaning

Procedures. Refer to the description page for more info. We Only support 3.0.28 and v1.8 of Skyrim!

Now go back and read what is said about this files source. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/637


"contain this Hidden "Papyrus codes" laced in the patches"



Papyrus scripting language in Fallout 3 mods? Why?<---read the article




What would be able to read Papyrus in Fallout 3?Well, the data is in the extra folder of fo3edit that get's extracted so ther is the source for that as that program NEEDs that to run correctly <---Again Pay attention. "We Only support 3.0.28 and v1.8 of Skyrim!"



No Fallout 3 mod should contain Papyrus scripting, it would be pointless as it's unreadable by Fallout 3. Very Good my man, that is precisely my point.



No version of FO3Edit I've seen would add Papyrus, for a start FO3Edit does not add scripts to your mods.<--then you have no clue what's going on. But, you may now.?

ok, the esm/esp layout follows as required masters for any of them as the mod is made. In the article it tells you point blank, the hex codes have been changed in that program...read the article , if so, then this very same tool is fo3edit and hence this offset of code is built into that program and requires that engine to do it's job. Mind you, it's built from the 3.0.15 version or 3.0.21 which ever, but base code is defaulted to it's original design. Now, it's been changed, no longer lines up with that original codes it was made for, Fallot3's engine, now, it's base Entirely on Skyrims data and online ck requirements.


what happens to any mod that has missing data? uh hu, ok, so what happens to any tool missing data? oh yeah, big mess, guess what, the author himself has posted this weird occurrence too. But, you can read it all for your self.


fo3edit running with out it's support scripting will in fact dislodge data in the esp's you edit, not only that, it ripps out data in the masters too. and places thing in places they do not belong.


No support given for fallout 3. No reason too.


Now. you need more? you go find it.


EDIT: as posted on the skyrim main description page.


Version 3.0.28 contains the following changes:


- [TES5] Papyrus (VMAD subrecord) support and other misc record updates including Dragonborn DLC

- [TES5] "Next Object ID" error when copying records

- Text fields in records are case sensitive when matching

- Ability to change references to FormID < 800h

- Changeable conflict colors and default column width in options


"Simple records" option for concise displaying of LAND, NAVM and NAVI

records (excluding references). On by default to speed up xEdit,

customizable in options

- Improved scripting functions, new demo scripts



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I sitll have fallout remastered on my rig. Had it for a few months.


I never got round to installing it though. I am alittle confused, I seem to have 3 main packages. Two that say main package and one that says revised package. Which one of these do i need to use?


I also have 2 FWE packages.

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Purr4me - Hello!

"so you want me to connect the dot's for you?"

Actually a coherent sentence would suffice. ;)

Look, I'm not trying to be confrontational here. It's just when you post vague statements about mods it's apt to give people confusing impressions of your meaning.

If there's a bug people should know about, a clear concise description of the issue is far more helpul.

"Full article and coverage of the basic need to know."

You've linked to FO3Edit & TES5Edit, no secret they are one & the same program (you rename the executable to work with the corresponding game). It also works with Oblivion too.

FO3Edit's latest versions are listed as supporting Skyrim, thus the need for it to support Papyrus.

This does not mean that FO3Edit adds Papyrus scripts to Fallout 3 mods, I see no mention of that issue on any of the pages you linked to.

Are you trying to say there's a problem with the latest versions of FO3Edit when used with Fallout 3?

I personally use FO3Edit 2.5.3, the last version before "EXPERIMENTAL".


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