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Fallout Remastered?


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I did it! I finally did it, now I need to get better DOF and its' almost done, after I get that fixed, , and move some trees from places Not wanted, I'll compile the list of things to get what I have and upload a mod. one click and it turns stuff on and off. the shot / link to a shot I wanted to achieve , I did it.



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Is this project still being worked on? Any possible re-release planed? Would like to utilize it in my replay through with FO3 with DLCs. If i can help in way let me know. Thank you.

Yes, it is. the mod is over 27 megabytes as of right now, No, it's not getting uploaded till it's all done. we are getting new blood, professional input off site for more code changes to add into the mod for this game. Once this is completed and privately tested on over 200 different machines of all walks, then it goes up, not until. There won't be...any more mistakes made. If you wish the original last known version that Was once here, contact me Via PM or e-mail and I will forward your request to the original author. No guarantees either if you get it. Best I can do for you or you can contact him your self.


His last and only mod is still here, it's in my signature As I support all correctly made mods. with out support, the game will die.



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Hey sorry i did not post back sooner... Been busy with work and such. Thank you for posting back and providing an update about the status of Fallout Remastered and that its not dead. Yeah i understand that its is frustrating when working on a project, and people don't listen, or blame you for conflicts, mistakes, and or lack of knowledge when trying to mix things together. At lest this is my current understanding from all the info i have read regarding Fallout Remastered and why it was taken down.... At any rate, I hope the team is still able to maintains focus, and see to the completion of their project. I would love to play through fallout 3 again with all the dlc this go around with compliments of this project.

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I use a known Good saved game, and it was made with out a load order tool , so the DLC's are not installed in order, also, this saved game has the cap's lock on, in reversed order. It's perfect for me and the team to use, any which way we arrange the code in any order, the game runs smooth. This put's to rest some ambiguous thoughts about load orders and their effects. Most ideas come from study of a problem, careful and thoughtful study. Some times we need to use Equipment, different types of machines to test a thought or piece of data, most crashing issues are narrowed down to Drivers, screen drivers, and chip-sets, the very basic part of the game is at fault, ....PILE ON yet more-mistakes, broken data, mix and matched junk, and it is a real mess.


Once the code was stable, we use a (cell out) to add things of a particular interest. Here is the posts where you will find need data.

A cell out is this. In a tool such as fo3edit, you are able to see the arranged parts of the groups, these categories are called "cells outs" we can say extract just landscapes, and then save it, then load it back up and add to it all source and references to that. NOTE:, If you do this on a default game set of DLC's? you will end up with a mess. IF you do this with repaired DLC's you have Gold at your finger tips and are now ready to make massive game changes.


That is the goal here, to work within the confines of the rules we must go by. So, you will have a new wave to mod by.

Credit goes out to all that made the tools , those are in my signature. Now. the Mod....Remastered, stands for not just an assembly of data. It stands for what the Dream was, a tool made to fix the game. A solid tool. not an assumption or over write. a Source code "source".

I nor the team member s have the kind of time to fight knowledgeable user base and post here. They can not know what we know.

I will be uploading soon a set of modules, resource packs made from this code for users to play with, add in their own versions to it. these modules will not be there to port stuff into, they are meant for the users to edit Vanilla coding only, to seek and destroy what each person thinks is what they want.

Then that can be added and sorted according to the lay out of the nexus categories. a simple search here will bring you to the different choices people have made on a specific part of the game. Now when you mix and mach, the possibility of bugs are greatly reduced and easy to pick out and fix by any one of any caliber. Noobs, new to modding will find this a breeze. That's the goal as I understand it. That's what I will do. I was told to do that. and I do what I am told.



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This thread is so full of mystery and intrigue! I'm not really sure but I think I may have just glimpsed into the soul of the modding community by reading it.


I wasn't aware of Fallout Remastered's existence as I was modding before its origin, and I only got started back up after it was gone.


Purr4me, your posts are enthralling, I don't understand half of what you write but I know I like it.


The controversy between the newest version of FO3edit and the older version you use and support is entirely interesting to me, and I know I'm too inexperienced at this point to comprehended these finer differences.


I'm sure about one thing though. I'm ecstatic that you, your friend the author and the rest of the team you're involved with are still in love with this game enough to continue making it better and better. This is very refreshing to me, and I'm glad to know this is being done.


I would love to hear more about all of this, and I want you to know your posts are far from superfluous, not that anyone is accusing them of being so.


In regards to this Fallout Remastered being released or not, I cannot read the future like a I can read a book, but here's hoping for a good ending.

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This thread is so full of mystery and intrigue! I'm not really sure but I think I may have just glimpsed into the soul of the modding community by reading it.


I wasn't aware of Fallout Remastered's existence as I was modding before its origin, and I only got started back up after it was gone.


Purr4me, your posts are enthralling, I don't understand half of what you write but I know I like it.


The controversy between the newest version of FO3edit and the older version you use and support is entirely interesting to me, and I know I'm too inexperienced at this point to comprehended these finer differences.


I'm sure about one thing though. I'm ecstatic that you, your friend the author and the rest of the team you're involved with are still in love with this game enough to continue making it better and better. This is very refreshing to me, and I'm glad to know this is being done.


I would love to hear more about all of this, and I want you to know your posts are far from superfluous, not that anyone is accusing them of being so.


In regards to this Fallout Remastered being released or not, I cannot read the future like a I can read a book, but here's hoping for a good ending.



The original last known applications are available IF you wish them, Just provide whats needed and it gets past on. IF you get anything at all, feel lucky. What I have here will be stripped down of my personal data...aka. My house mod and my weapon packs and armor, it's all in the game , just not arranged the way the game made it. Some mods won't work with my stuff. I had 2 hours to go back and forth today , reading the site rules and the file in question. " you can't upload anything known that may break a users game". so, I know by testing about 13 famous mods that will get broken. Its not due to the programing I made, it's due to the authors uses of ported data in their mods that gets broken. see, that's the hard part here.


When it's all done, you will get the result. and I can upload my stuff separate. It is a simple concept. easy to keep in mind.

I found some weapons that don't work. armor that will not fit or show up. pieces of other things from all over the game strewn about in mods that are just fabulous but, given the results? can't be guaranteed not to break. My patch for instance. that's 100% Vanilla code, if that does not work as it has been said , some it doesn't, then their mod line up or use of some other mod is causing the problem. Default over-rides should always work. if not? well, then I can't help. Not much to worry about staying 100% vanilla now is there?

Thanks. Mystery? that's AQFH 4, and a bout 24 dozen other mods here. you will find a gold mine of mods long since gone in my signature some authors have compiled still here. you need to dig them out.

Hint. one stop shop.



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Thanks for the hint, Imma started diggin' (I need a big shovel for this one)


The pic is undeniably beautiful. However, I don't wish to bother the Remastered's developers about getting their old work, as I'd rather let them focus on what they're currently doing, and by the sounds of it they already have enough distractions waiting for them in their email.


I can appreciate that you're in a predicament trying to keep compatibility with other authors' work. You say that your mod and their mods have a confliction with ported data in the latter.


Is this the same data mentioned earlier in the thread with regards to FO3edit using code from more recent Bethesda games? I find it silly that they can't keep this kind of unusable code out of FO3edit, especially since each editor is in fact only usable for the specific game it's named after.


For the sake of porting between the two games is a lame excuse. If this was intended and allowed, Bethesda would probably have incorporated it into the GECK.


I remember the controversy about Morroblivion and I highly doubt anything has changed from the corporate world's point of view.


Even so, I can understand the wish to want to port between the games, but if it means that every mod out there has to be updated to fit this new standard (correct me if I wrong) I don't think it's worth it. Make it a separate program for when and if it can be used.


Edit: You have A Quest for Heaven 4? Last I checked 3's prologue was the last uploaded

Edited by SoulReaver911
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