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Fallout Remastered?


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Is this the same data mentioned earlier in the thread with regards to FO3edit using code from more recent Bethesda games?

Yes and no. It requires knowledge to re-program a tool, for me, I re-wrote My versions of the fo3edit using the free open source codes posted on the servers Google codes networks, I removed pieces of code from my version that explicitly sought "skyrims data". from my version. I don't install any scripting add ons to that last version made as the scripts will no longer compile. I use the version 3.0.15 and 3.0.29 both. how I use them is the key.

fo3edit 3.0.15 goes where it belongs, Fo3edit "TESVEdit" 3.0.29 exe goes on the desktop. by it's self, and no add ons to it. I reprogram it's options according to what I need the tool to do, I do not leave it set as a single do all tool, it's a tool, it works by how you use it. No magic bullet. Skyrim code has no place in this game, fallout 3. That does not mean I can't use the tool, it does mean you must learn how to use it. They are not obligated to teaching you how to mod. that would be like asking Bethesda to teach you how to mod, they have a repository for that already. It's up to you to learn it. So I support the tool, not the methods used by it. Is nif scope tied to a single game? No, it;s not. I agree on the GECK thing here. a command line feature is indeed required for all these tools. a set of instruction before they launch for specific reasons needs to be made. I don't have that kind of time.

Even so, I can understand the wish to want to port between the games, but if it means that every mod out there has to be updated to fit this new standard (correct me if I wrong) I don't think it's worth it. Make it a separate program for when and if it can be used.

That's correct as I posted here. The rules are what's in my way, and I am not talking about site rules, I am talking about programing rules of the data used and their source. Site rules are here to govern a basic guied line to help you stay with in a set of "cal it gates", if you step out of that gate, you might get hit by a truck? that's not a pleasant thing. Or, the gates wil close you out and your left with ?????I don't know, what happened, it should have worked????? Kind of thing. we see that here all the time. we offer support to try and help, it becomes too time consuming trying to figure out just what some one else did, and are not telling you they did. No crystal balls will ever show us this. wishful thinking. But we do try.


Edit: You have A Quest for Heaven 4? Last I checked 3's prologue was the last uploaded

Umm you can refer to it as that, but it's far along that it's no longer the "3" version. No spoilers, and I just refer to "deep blue" as version 4 as the story has changed in a big way. so, IF my take on it, does not fit the known versions? so be it. The prolog Demo 3 does not have whats in the kitchen cooking now. Much more than an update, and it dwarfs most mods out there for an adventure mod, that's all I telling you.......It's first version is on the compilation ONE stop shop. it's source data is also. I am privy to some aspects, from a few months ago of an in-sighted broken sectional pieces of the new codes I had to edit / fix dealing with an NPC error, some thing in the new one back then was setting up this weird buggy thing with that creature / NPC. I'll leave it at that.

It's fixed and the needed patch is here. waiting should it be required. The story is rock solid.


Remastered is, a test / try / and re-due stages, based on what the things are others wanted in it. some, or most of it are not going to take place, FWE? ah no, bad deal. you can use it separately , patches for Remastered? ah no, not gonna happen, defeats the program, might as well give up there. Don't down load the finished product if your going to want to patch it, remove it's programing. Don't bother. that ...is a waste of time. any mods this applies to. Not our problem as it will be a tools, it's how you use it that is your concern and not ours. use it the wrong way? well then you know already what will happen.



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So do you use masterupdate with 3.0.15? If I recall you mentioned in a previous post that by using masterupdate with the latest versions this causes an irrevocable change in the esps, making them incompatible with previous versions. If this is the case, I've got a lot of cleaning up to do.


In regards to "A Quest for Heaven" you have convinced me to try out this series.

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So do you use masterupdate with 3.0.15? If I recall you mentioned in a previous post that by using masterupdate with the latest versions this causes an irrevocable change in the esps, making them incompatible with previous versions. If this is the case, I've got a lot of cleaning up to do.


In regards to "A Quest for Heaven" you have convinced me to try out this series.

(So do you use master-update with 3.0.15?) That's a big NO. never. Flipping the master flag on .....on plugins deals with knowing what the plugin will do once converted. If you do that and did not know what will happen? it's is the source of the biggest headaches I have ran into.

If you download My anchorage tree mod, and use master update on it, you will not have any tree's, what you will have is Bloatware ! LOL.

75 % of the mods every where will end up as Bloatware because the esm factor treats the data in a different way, it's the opposite of a function.

A tool to allow it's use"(esmify)" is a method used to discover if the coding done to the file you create will work correctly or not, it was intended as a tool, for developers, mod authors to decide which way they want to publish. TESedit has a long, very long history, and the authors of the-latest version will flat tell you, "you better know how the program works", read the manual, get an understanding of it's purpose first before you jump into that pool, there may be Purana in that pool.


As a result of allowing some information as to how it operates has caused in influx of the user base to miss use the tools and a snowball effect took place, too much so. So, as a result, you will not get much cooperation from US, the Developers as to what's wrong with your plug ins, because we do not know what was done. a big nasty circle of events takes place. If any one offers advices here, you can bet, they have been down that road already and know from experience as to what "might be at fault". most of the time , we find out, some things by the OP of the problem left important things out. AKA master updating all their files and ...oh I like this one, " master updating the patches on top of the patches. including the merged patch !" it never stops.


I pulled my support for merged files due to this reason. In the latest version of TESedit. so you know where to look. under the options tab ,have a look there, they moved that data from site. this version is set by default to set all data in a plugin to opposite to parent already. BUT ! they give you access to the inside workings of the program by allowing you to turn that feature off .60 % of the code in a fallout3 game, set to opposite to parent will break the game. and it is not up to you either, it's fully automated and once done,. it's done baby, you can not dig out which string went bad or should not be set that way.


make any simple plugin, say a weapon of your choice, or put a NPC some where in the game world. when done set it to opposite to parent and see what happens. That is IF the game will even load it?


AQFH is a layered mod series. you can not install all 3 versions as there are choices in each. patches for each and the patches will over write the wrong plugins dependent data. Music, Voice, lip syncs, etc. The cells in esp 1 are Identically named in esp 3 and 2. But the actual places are not the same. so, if you install all 3 at once, you end up with a big mess. from what I remember, IF a mod , a house mod is installed, made by a different author "Krazzy kommy" I think? it will allow you to meet A character from the heaven mod in the basement of the megaton player house. This-should never take place, but it does.


this type of mod is a series, a accumulation to a story. the author used /reused assets already made to save time. Expertly done and all based on the raw fallout game. the patches show where the places get placed, a3-23 <--? gets moved about. the door and the world space. but the cell name is the same, so if you do install all of them at once, you mess it up, will not find the keys or trigger the scripting at the proper time and find your self locked out of the sequence of the mods events, it's design will leave you going back and forth for this key and that key and not finding any keys at all because , the data is overwritten by all the mods installed at once. It's just gone.


That's the best your gonna get from me.

If you only install one mod at a time, and progress through them , then that NC will never show up in that basement. always in DuPont plaza adult shop.



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So do you use masterupdate with 3.0.15? If I recall you mentioned in a previous post that by using masterupdate with the latest versions this causes an irrevocable change in the esps, making them incompatible with previous versions. If this is the case, I've got a lot of cleaning up to do.


In regards to "A Quest for Heaven" you have convinced me to try out this series.

(So do you use master-update with 3.0.15?) That's a big NO. never. Flipping the master flag on .....on plugins deals with knowing what the plugin will do once converted. If you do that and did not know what will happen? it's is the source of the biggest headaches I have ran into.

If you download My anchorage tree mod, and use master update on it, you will not have any tree's, what you will have is Bloatware ! LOL.

75 % of the mods every where will end up as Bloatware because the esm factor treats the data in a different way, it's the opposite of a function.

A tool to allow it's use"(esmify)" is a method used to discover if the coding done to the file you create will work correctly or not, it was intended as a tool, for developers, mod authors to decide which way they want to publish. TESedit has a long, very long history, and the authors of the-latest version will flat tell you, "you better know how the program works", read the manual, get an understanding of it's purpose first before you jump into that pool, there may be Purana in that pool.


Well the first time I started using FO3edit was when I read Miax’s Tome of FO3Edit.


In it he shows how to run the master update and master restore mode for FO3edit, but he doesn't really go into very much detail explaining what this does, so I suspect he doesn't really know.


Do you support this guide? Either way, I'd be curious to know another resource that can explain some of the finer details regarding FO3edit, so I'm don't end up asking you too many unnecessary questions.




As a result of allowing some information as to how it operates has caused in influx of the user base to miss use the tools and a snowball effect took place, too much so. So, as a result, you will not get much cooperation from US, the Developers as to what's wrong with your plug ins, because we do not know what was done. a big nasty circle of events takes place. If any one offers advices here, you can bet, they have been down that road already and know from experience as to what "might be at fault". most of the time , we find out, some things by the OP of the problem left important things out. AKA master updating all their files and ...oh I like this one, " master updating the patches on top of the patches. including the merged patch !" it never stops.


I pulled my support for merged files due to this reason. In the latest version of TESedit. so you know where to look. under the options tab ,have a look there, they moved that data from site. this version is set by default to set all data in a plugin to opposite to parent already. BUT ! they give you access to the inside workings of the program by allowing you to turn that feature off .60 % of the code in a fallout3 game, set to opposite to parent will break the game. and it is not up to you either, it's fully automated and once done,. it's done baby, you can not dig out which string went bad or should not be set that way.


From your standpoint, I've been misusing the program. I've been using masterupdate since I started reading the guide, as it seemed like a good idea at the time. I have every single esp turned into master, (and apparently masterupdate "injects" parts of some esps into others which leaves me questioning why I should be using a merge patch to begin with.) and also, I've got the merge patch master updated.


Since then, I know that if I masterestore and try to run the game, I will get crashes, that is if I can even load it up to the main menu. I'm not sure if this would be happening if I never used masterupdate to begin with, but it's certainly possible.


If I can get the load order right and create a merge patch that has all the overrides I want, then why should I even be bothering with this masterupdate?


(I'm guessing what you might be thinking. This guy has a lot of cleaning up to do. :P)




Almost forgot -




Is this the setting you're talking about?




Also, thanks for the heads up with AQFH, I will only run one at a time.

Edited by SoulReaver911
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-30000000.0000000 , that is their workaround of collision markers only, only thing is, it also grabs a lot of other things too, Like dual purpose triggers throughout the wasteland. only they don't know it yet, if they do, they don't care. In fallout 3!? it does matter. all triggers get slapped under the map and stages stop working. YES, that w hat I was referring too



YOU MUST ! unchecked all of those and never ever use that in this game ,it's fine for the new engine, Not this one. That is based on 3.0.21 for new Vegas.


[FO3/FNV] Replace MSTT Form ID....are you kidding me!!! ? really, change the game to guarantee a crash ! Change the base codes !, why not just sell a new game!? I made about 30 mods before I figured out why none of them would boot. based a a raw game install not patched. Doing what I was told to do and following instruction s to the letter to determine what the program does and does not do. A Piece of plastic in disc form the game come with has NOT that as it's base code/ "(0000000000) and it remains that way." This is not LOL FNV?SKY or any other game. the tools was made to be cross platform from data for other than fallout 3, what it is based on was the older code made from this game. IF you have the scripting folders loaded in the game directory or in reach of that executable, remove it unless you need the compiled data for porting. Other wise, it has no place in the game. It's a tool, a very powerful tool.

It is not infallible.


you want to see just how bad that can hurt a fo3 mod? Clean then with all that turned on and run just a few so you don't waste too much time, if they will run at all. Lets see, It removes ll the work from DC interiors mos, aqfh, the librarian, and to mentions about a thousand others. IT is not a cleaning tool. It has that ability yes, that's not what it's used for ,you need to know whats in the mod first, if not, never ever touch that. If you clean My mod!? kiss it good by because a mod for fallout 3 should be Identical to master because if it's not, then it's unique and does not need cleaning. and it would do nothing.

Nah this topic is sour. Just stay with the thoughts about using the right methods only and stay clear of high tech stuff. Stay with only what came off that disc and you never have to worry about messing up things.



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American Dream Breakage found. I now know why and the WHAT that prevents the scene in the lab at the citadel from completing and it's not set stage 60 verses 200. it's the trigger at raven rock exit, where as IF you have any mods edited installed that the geck misplaced the markers, OR fo3edit after 3.0.15 and up has misplaced the triggers, you will see this problem occur. IN the geck, you will see a large green cube just outside the exit, 30 to 60 feet in the air. It says it's for the explosions, how ever, in the engine and not the data it runs, it refers to the messages updating in the pipboy and goes back to another script to verify achievements have been met.


If the player never ever passes thru any of these triggers, none of the stages will complete. That was the toughest needle I ever found. Now. remastered has been updated as well as my testing mod, it's a mess now, but at least I have the data I was looking for. I can now make a decent patch.



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Zeta is next, BTW, Liberty prime will stop walking if the AI sees no nav-meshes or the nav's them selves have no collisions, something in the geck or the tools rips out this hidden data. so any time that big boy stops, it's due to 2 things, 1 your out of range as he is a follower, though a short timer, none the less a follower. and 2. the nav meshes are messed up. IF I can fix the stuff, I am concentrating on, I'll go back and design an in game nav - mesh viewer for people as a tool to use, it won't be pretty but at least you will have a new tool to use. Down the road a way's.

I am hoping the same problem with zeta is this same bug. don't know, I am looking for an old e-mail that has a saved game that contains that bug. Little lamp-lite door not working was due to the triggers getting moved inside the doorways , just out of reach of the player to trigger it.


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A couple questions I have:


1) Do I still need to Email you for the latest version?

2) What was the last public version released and are there any known game breaking bugs that it introduced since the previous release?

3) Is the latest version still v1.1?


4) Can I disable the visibility of other members signatures on this forum?

Edited by Franpa
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