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Retrieve Plugins For Save File


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I recently had to re-install Skyrim, due to a hard drive failure, I was unable to retrieve a list of my installed mods, and the download history on the website is empty, I do know that if you load a save with disabled plug-in's, that were enabled last time you saved, you get the message:


"Save relies on missing content, if you load this save some objects might be missing, do you want to continue?"


I'm not specifically requesting a mod, or having problems with a mod, Its just that this seemed the most appropriate thread to post this in, since mods deal with save files and all.


DO NOT send me to a program that changes the save, I do not wish to change it since the save is intact, I just wish to view the active plus-ins for that save.

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There are no programs (that I am aware of) that would allow us to edit Skyrim saves (other than hex editors...). It'd be nice if we had one.....that fixes bloating, remove scripts baked into the save game, etc. and so on...


But the program that fits your current need (just seeing a list of active mods in a save) is Wrye Bash.

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