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Bloodmoon Werewolf in Oblivion


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Hey, I love to play as a werewolf, and have used several mods for Oblivion to do it, but none of the werewolf models have ever been quite as appealing to me as the original werewolf model from Morrowind's Bloodmoon expansion. I love how when you put your claws down and run you run on all fours. And I like how hunched over that model is compared to the others. It just seems more animal like to me, and that's what I love.


Could somebody perhaps make a werewolf mod that uses that model? Or maybe (with permissions, if not the original modder) just make an update using that model to a werewolf mod that already exists? I'm rather technically challenged, so I have no idea how you guys work your magic, but if someone could do this that would be just awesome.


Thanks for your time, and all the cool mods you guys have made

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Unfortunately, new animations (like running) for werewolf-form would be hard or impossible to do with Oblivion's current modding tools. You can either replace an animation outright (so all NPCs would run like werewolves) or rig specific NPCs to use specific animations (which would work fine for full-time werewolves, not so much shapeshifters). We can't pack Morrowind models in with an Oblivion release, and I'm not sure how animations would look if you tried to rig hunched-over equipment to a non-hunched-over subject (though I imagine it would be doable if the head and body were one mesh, not like current ones).


Of course, new werewolf models that use existing animations or are restricted to certain non-shapeshifting NPCs are entirely doable. Just not by me. :P


Some screenshots would, indeed, be nice.

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  • 6 months later...

I have been pining for someone to mod the bloodmoon werewolf into oblivion for several years !!!


The problem with all of the werewolf mods out there now... and don't get me wrong I commend them for there work...


its that the claws don't look right in first person. Also the models used just don't have the same apeal as the morrowind/bloodmoon wolf does.


there has got to be a way to do this, and believe me if I could I would do it myself....

but I am nearly comp illiterate.


There has to be a way to import the model/animations from blood moon and script it to work in oblivion... I mean come on ... IT"S MADE BY THE SAME COMPANY PEOPLE... lol


So please for the love of all .... SOME ONE MAKE THIS PLEASE !!!!


there i said my piece.

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Bethesda has forbidden the release of any textures/models/meshes etc. from Morrowind in mods for Oblivion. If someone were to do this, the best that they could do is have two windows open, one with the Morrowind werewolf, and one with a werewolf made from scratch. If the dimensions are readable in one of those modeling programs, then it would be a simple matter. I'm sure it's allowed as long as it's not a direct port of Morrowind resources.
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You can't tell me that it's illegal to use morrowind content in oblivion... ???


what about mods like Morroblivion ?


C'mon it's material from the same series, from the same company.


and even so...


modders are famous for "making things happen" lol


ya know ?


someone has got to do this !!! I have been waiting for litterally years @!

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