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Multiple helmet meshes at once; problem


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Quick question, hopefully with an answer.


I'm trying to mix three helmets together in one nif, as in moving each separate helmet into one nif, having the helmets link to the same nodes as the first helmet, and having it worn as one simple helm. Thing is, only one of these three helms show at any time, and generally just the last helmet I add to the list.


Is this something that requires a 3d program, or am I just being dumb and missing something in nifskope?




I got it partly working by doing this;


Open Nif 1

Open Nif 2

Copy NiNode of Nif 2

Paste Branch the NiNode in Nif 1

Right Click > Branch > Flatten Branch on the pasted NiNode


This works almost completely. The helms I am using are Jagged Crown (BoneCrown.nif), Ancient Nord Helmet (Male version, DraugrHelmetMale_1), and Yngol's Helm (Male version, YngolsHelm_1). Jagged Crown mixed with Yngol works, Jagged Crown with Ancient Nord works, but any combination of Yngol and Ancient Nord causes either helm to move awkwardly in odd directions. Don't quite know why it does that. Some help on the matter would be nice.




The following combinations won't work, and I can't figure out why.


Yngol to Jagged Crown

Yngol to Ancient Nord

Ancient Nord to Yngol


Yet Jagged Crown to Yngol works. As in, Open Yngol, paste Jagged Crown on. Opening Jagged Crown and pasting Yngol makes Yngol's helm rotate oddly and improperly.




Jagged Crown + Ancient Nord Helmet works. Jagged Crown + Yngol's Helmet works. Ancient Nord Helmet + Yngol Helmet does not work. All three at once does not work. Any combination for Argonians, Khajiit, and Orc crashes the CK. I don't understand this nonsense.



They don't even show ingame. They work just fine in the CK, but ingame, it's just one helmet, no visibility of the other parts. Does this REQUIRE a 3d program?

Edited by Campaigner
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