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Leg Glitch is so annoying!


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I had just made an armor mod and this weird leg glitch just started happening to my character. I assumed that my mod caused this so i uninstalled it but it didnt work.


Is there a way to fix this with a Console Command?

Has any one encountered something like this?



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I would bet it is an issue with weight painting on the leg. I had a similar issue where the players leg, after a period of time, would do a complete 180 and shoot up the back. To remedy this, open the model in 3d model ap and check to see if the leg has paint associated with the bones in the other leg.
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I would bet it is an issue with weight painting on the leg. I had a similar issue where the players leg, after a period of time, would do a complete 180 and shoot up the back. To remedy this, open the model in 3d model ap and check to see if the leg has paint associated with the bones in the other leg.


Thank you! I would have never known that the problem was associated with the weight paint!

I appreciate your help.

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