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Something to replace Power Shot...


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Hey guys...


So I'm setting up my archer, and remembering how much I hate Power Shot. I guess it's logical that arrows would stagger enemies, but once bought, the perk just makes archery too easy. Thing is, I gotta have Quick Shot, because that makes it more fun, but as it is, Power Shot (the prerequisite) really just slows down the fun that comes with firing off ultra-fast shots with Zephyr + Quick Shot. Now, I'm not a great modder, but I suppose I could manage to bring down the stagger frequency; some stagger is understandable... but then, the problem is, it's not really worth the perk buy. Or, I could maybe switch the two perks, but I have no idea how to do all that stuff. I'm wondering if anyone's released something to replace Power Shot? I don't want a whole Archery overhaul, but something interesting to spend a perk point on would be nice. Any advice (or a quick mod to switch Power Shot with Quick Shot) is crazy appreciated.

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