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Create an Object Spell


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Is there a way to make an ability or a spell that allows me to instantly create something like a potion/weapon without a alchemy bench or forge, i've been told it would require making a script for the creation, but i have no idea how to do so
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I have done a couple of spells that do just that (including the required script)

What object is it that you want to create? I can either do the mod for you or let you have the script that you will then need to edit accordingly?


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I have done a couple of spells that do just that (including the required script)

What object is it that you want to create? I can either do the mod for you or let you have the script that you will then need to edit accordingly?



Script itself would be better, i've made a couple potions of my own (nothing gamechanging) with the creation kit so you wouldnt really have access to them.

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Here is an example of one of my scripts (it creates 10 gold)

You would need to replace the object with your own potion and also tell the script what object it is etc.


Scriptname SM001CreateWealthScript extends activemagiceffect

{SoulMasterII Script 2012}



miscobject Property Gold001 Auto


Function additem(Form akItemToAdd, int aiCount = 1, bool abSilent = false) native



EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)



Game.getPlayer().additem(Gold001, 10, true)

Debug.Notification("You Acquired Wealth - 10 Gold added")





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