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Cathay-raht Khajit Race Mod


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I have been looking for a Cathay-raht race mod for a while but with no luck. I even tried making one myself, HA! I was really hoping someone could make one. The Cathay-raht are one of the many species of Khajit found in Elsweyr. They are strong large and agile versions of the standard Khajit seen in Skyrim. They specialize in Light Armor, One-Handed, and Block. They are very ferocious warriors and were used as front-line infantry in the Five Years War between Elsweyr and Valenwood. I think there race power could be regular Night Eye, or some kind of Moon Power where they draw strength from the moons to give them selves increased speed, power, etc. AS far as I know there isn't a female version of them, but I could very well be wrong. I will post some pictures in the attachments of what the Cathay-raht look like for reference (they are basically super muscular and tall versions of the regular Khajit of Skyrim as seen in the Moonpath To Elsweyr mod.). Edited by Bost722
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I have been looking for a Cathay-raht race mod for a while but with no luck. I even tried making one myself, HA! I was really hoping someone could make one. The Cathay-raht are one of the many species of Khajit found in Elsweyr. They are strong large and agile versions of the standard Khajit seen in Skyrim. They specialize in Light Armor, One-Handed, and Block. They are very ferocious warriors and were used as front-line infantry in the Five Years War between Elsweyr and Valenwood. I think there race power could be regular Night Eye, or some kind of Moon Power where they draw strength from the moons to give them selves increased speed, power, etc. AS far as I know there isn't a female version of them, but I could very well be wrong. I will post some pictures in the attachments of what the Cathay-raht look like for reference (they are basically super muscular and tall versions of the regular Khajit of Skyrim as seen in the Moonpath To Elsweyr mod.).


There's a mod on the Steam Workshop that works well. Over here.

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I have been looking for a Cathay-raht race mod for a while but with no luck. I even tried making one myself, HA! I was really hoping someone could make one. The Cathay-raht are one of the many species of Khajit found in Elsweyr. They are strong large and agile versions of the standard Khajit seen in Skyrim. They specialize in Light Armor, One-Handed, and Block. They are very ferocious warriors and were used as front-line infantry in the Five Years War between Elsweyr and Valenwood. I think there race power could be regular Night Eye, or some kind of Moon Power where they draw strength from the moons to give them selves increased speed, power, etc. AS far as I know there isn't a female version of them, but I could very well be wrong. I will post some pictures in the attachments of what the Cathay-raht look like for reference (they are basically super muscular and tall versions of the regular Khajit of Skyrim as seen in the Moonpath To Elsweyr mod.).


There's a mod on the Steam Workshop that works well. Over here.


You my friend, are amazing. I spent a year (in two days) attempting to develop a mod like this with all the knowledge and guides I got without any luck. You made America proud on this day son.

Edited by Bost722
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