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Feminine/stylish X-01 texture/paint


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I'm kind of protective of my female romance, and even though my character doesn't wear a power armor, I'm having her wear one. I used to have a mod that hid the head power armor & basic armor (helmets, eye-wear, etc.) when not in combat, but due to an incompatibility, I disabled it. It may be sexist of me to think of power armor as masculine, but it is so (my thought). It would be nice to have

  • slight-to-moderate traditionally feminine colors in the paint in such a way it would do little-to-no sneak interfere in a "realist" settings (ie: low brightness) or(and)
  • stylish textures, what comes to mind are the Operators (Nuka-World raider faction) under-armor, ie the attachment

Also if it's not too difficult that the mod allows for any base paint to be used, therefore whichever corresponding paint choice is made won't affect the way the armor looks (so I could still choose a paint that increases agility or strength depending on the wearer worse stat and either way it would look the same).


Thank you kindly for your consideration


Edited by DynV
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