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Sound delay


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  • 2 months later...

I have had this sound delay from the first time i played Skyrim with my pre ordered retail copy, it is most noticeable when you are riding a horse and you lose the hof sounds for a few seconds and then they come back. Also when Draugr uses there shout you get the effect first and then you here the sound after 2-3 seconds, not all the time but often enough to be anoying...what i know so is there no fix for it and i can't get any help from ether Bethesda support or community :/


Some say that by lowering your sound format to...(24 bits, 44 100 Hz) will fix it but not for me, have tested down to...(16 bits, 19 2000 Hz) but I still get sound delays sometimes.

Edited by ceano
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