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Weapon mods?


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Hey guys, I've seen a lot of weapon mods come out, but there not quite what I'm looking for.


What I'd like to see, is a mod that both changes the Assault Rifle's ammunition to .308, and decreases the magazine size to 20 rounds. For the Chinese AR, I'd keep it .223 and up the magazine to 30 rounds. How do I change these? I don't want to mess with the damage or anything; I already have a mod for that.


Also, how do I change the regular combat shotgun to be semi-automatic, like the pistols are?


How does the zoom modifier and range work on the sniper rifle? It seems to have an awfully low power scope and pitiful range for what it's supposed to do. Especially considering how good Arkansas is with the damn thing. :/


I don't quite understand how modding works with what tools we have.


I realize the G.E.C.K will be out later this month, but I want to see if I can't fix this stuff up first, before I get my hands on that.

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