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No interaction with one single npc


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First, I am sorry for posting a second topic in such a short notice, even though it's completely unrelated.

I don't practise addressing the internet for help personally unless it's something i've already spent a good amount of time trying to fix.




No interaction option whatsoever. No name, no crosshair when looking at the npc.


Crouching, however, enables the pickpocket action.




All other npcs are fine and act as they're expected.


I have no previous save to go back to.







After marrying mentioned npc, after the ceremony was over and the rings were exchanged, the npc started walking towards the temple's exit. While walking, the spouse spoke of moving in together, but never actually initiated a conversation about it, as normally would happen. For some reason I've decided to finish two more quests in Riften before going after the spouse, as I knew he was headed to his home. After finally getting there, above mentioned problem occurred.





So far I have tried:


- Disable / enable npc,


- kill / resurreect npc,


- kill.player,


- resetai,


- recycleactor,


- resetting marriage quest,


- bat divorce,


- applying several spells that change npc disposition, such as "Seduce", "Calm" (i have noticed that "Mentor" spell, a mod that teaches npcs a spell you have in your other hand, doesn't work on spouse anymore),


- hurting npc till they become hostile then sheathing weapons,


- changing npc stats in creation kit,


- disabling mods,


- verifying cache,


- restarting pc.





The npc responds with the same move-in-together sentence after getting near him, but nothing else.


He also continues his daily routine, from home to inn and back, if that's any worth mentioning.




Adopting a child and assigning them to a house moved spouse too. Still no interaction available other than pickpocketing.





All suggestions appreciated.


Thanks in advance!

Edited by necromunchy
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