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Original UI Sound Effects


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Hello everyone. This is a request for someone to upload the original UI sound effects for skyrim. For some reason mine got changed to someone else's UI sound fx mod (I found out whos mod it was while searching for UI sounds to replace them as they are horribly annoying, funny thing is I dont ever remember downloading it) Ive even tried uninstalling all mods but the sounds are still there. If anyone could please upload the sounds or even direct me to a link where I can download the sounds that would be amazing. Ive been searching for the past hour and a half but to no avail haha. Oh and no sounds from soundfxcenter.com, their sounds are very poor quality.


Thank you.

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You could just delete the skyrim/data/sounds folder, it'll fix the problem.

BUT, I'd recommend navigating inside the said folder, and searching the sound effects there.


Name of the subfolder/file is probably UI something.

You've probably downloaded mod that removes the sounds by replacing them with some silent voices.


Are you using Requiem or SkyUi?

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