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Awesome ORIGINAL armor mods...


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While yes I am a guy and I the skimpy stuff is nice eye candy and all, in my opinion it's dumb. If I want porn, Ill go somewhere on the Internet lol or to my local mall LOL. When playing the game it just makes no sense. Does anyone know of a REALLY cool armor pack? it DOES NOT have to be lore friendly, in fact I prefer if IT'S NOT. I am looking for really nice looking original armor. Or if anyone has a link to a different website then the nexus that combines like 20 different armor packs that would be even better lol. I just find the lore packs, bland and boring. I LOVE the Tera armor, but it's just TOO damn skimpy. Like even through the Lich king armor is from WOW, it just looks friggan' amazing in Skyrim. Does anyone know of a modding website that is like more toward NOT lore friendly armor sets, that are actually nice?



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