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Converting armors for Beast Races


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I downloaded this mod yesterday, but unfortunately it doesn't have support for beast races, and I like playing as Khajiit... Problem is, I haven't modeled/edited any armor meshes yet, just weapons, so I was wondering if anyone could give some guidance or link me to some good tutorials so that I can get this going! As Beast races have different skeletons, I'd take I would need to rig the armor to their skeletons? I've tried rigging before, but to no avail. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/armscrossed.gif
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Yes, I did try. Otherwise I wouldn't be asking for help.


"It is still not available for females or beast races, but in defense there is no shortage of female armors anyway and I don't ever play with beast races, so that's why I don't bother reworking the meshes to make them an option. This will more than likely be the final product."

Edited by Yoshh
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*Removed unnecessary rant*



Still can't upload pictures into Nexus.


Anyway, do you know basics of CK?

As all this is going to take is below 20 clicks to make it work.


First, open CK, and set the cloudarmor.esp as active file


Let it load

Go to items, armor addons, and type on search bar "cloud" (without quotation marks)


Now you see cloudarmor, cloudboots and cloudgloves.

Doubleclick one of them

Armor addon window bounces up and you see tons of things.

At the right side there is list with text: "Additional races" above it.

It has already couple of races highlighted.


Click on argonian and argonian vampire (so they become highlighted)


Scroll down and highlight khajiit and khajiitargonian.

Repeat for every armor piece. (boots, gloves and armor)


And save.

Now it works.


Now, off to write message to original author.

Edited by Guest
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