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Stupid Ancient Dragon !


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I was fighting with an ancient dragon that he landed on the grand as used dragonrend he started to bite me with some fire breath and then when the effect of dragonrend wore off they usually fly away and attack with fire breath or frost breath from sky but this one just walked toward me with difficulty ( hope you know what i mean by walk ) and passed me :blink: and fell down and tried to walk the rock and reach me .... :sweat:

and i was watching him as he was trying hard to catch me by walking not flying . :woot: .. , and at the same time i was wondering : does he know that those hand like wings that he is using for walking are actually wings and they are used for flying not walking ?.... stupid dragon !!!! can someone please tell him that wings are meant to fly , thank you .


here are pics of him :

1. 2.


LOl lollololololol

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When dragons take too much damage, they lose the ability to fly. From the pictures it looks like his health is well below the threshold. He would fly if he could, but now all he wants to do is turn you into a snack.


Sometimes I'll hit a dragon in mid flight. If he takes enough damage, he'll come in for a crash landing which is a sight to see. The earth shakes, dust and debris fly in all directions as he gouges out a trench before coming to a stop.


It's even more impressive to see this happen as he skids to a stop right on top of you. :biggrin:

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