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Far Cry

Tribal Edition Right Arm Tattoo Removal


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Hey everyone. Long time user of the Nexus sites, but first time posting here.

So I loaded up Far Cry 3 after buying it, and first thing I noticed after playing is this obscene right arm tattoo.

I have no modding experience what so ever, but I really want this ridiculous tattoo removed. It doesn't make any sense. He had the freaking tattoo before he got the Tatau.

Does anyone else feel the same, or is it just me?

Pic related.


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  • 2 months later...

I've been asking for its removal since day 1, someone made a mod for me that should've removed ALL ULC Content, including the tattoo. But A. it didn't work and B. I like everything but that tatoo. No one seems as obsessed with its removal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Easy stuff Guys. Day 1 this had me annoyed so I found as easy way to get rid of it.



Disable DLC (Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition)
This will remove Tattoo on right arm, Hurk's missions and Lost Expedition
1)Navigate to \My Documents\My Games\Far Cry 3 and open "GamerProfile.xml"
2)Replace line <UplayProfile LockString="Your Profile Number will be here" />
with <UplayProfile LockString="" />
3) Log into Uplay in offline mode
This basically blanks uplay from your DLC account. As soon as you go online again though, all the dlc will pop back up and the gamerprofile.xml will revert back.
Edited by Napper64
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