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Need help with script/game settings

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I'm new to scripting and am having troubles trying to get a script to work. Or it's an issue with game settings.

Here's the full script

Scriptname PreservedPie_AddPerkPoint extends activemagiceffect

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
int min = Game.GetGameSettingInt("iPPPPerkMinAmount")
int max = Game.GetGameSettingInt("iPPPPerkMaxAmount")
float total = 1.0
if (min > max)
elseif (min == 0 || max == 0)
elseif (min == max)
	total = min
	int random = Utility.RandomInt(min,max)
	total = random
Message Property Pie Auto Const
{Thanks to the wonderfully preserved nature of this pie, you have gained a perk point. Spend it wisely.}

What it's supposed to do is get a random number between the "iPPPPerkMinAmount" game setting and "iPPPPerkMaxAmount" game setting and give perk points based on that number, while showing a message saying you got <number> perk points. The first 2 are error handlers (if min > max and if min or max equals 0 (which i'll probably change to be the non-zero number, but that's not for now). The third is if min equals max so it's just that number.


But anyway, what it ends up doing is always giving one perk point and the message shows it gave 1 point. I tried GetGS iPPPPerkMaxAmount in the console and it gave me "NOT FOUND". It's in the mod and it's spelled correctly. It also is an int.


I tried making it a property but there's no "game setting" or "setting" property.


I pretty much wanted to make it so the user can easily change how many perk points they want, and if they want it to be random. What I didn't want to do was to have to make a ton of different scripts just to give everyone the values/ranges they want.

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Looks like your script should be working. If it's always giving 1 perk point, it probably means those game settings aren't registering. Instead you could use global variables.


Scriptname PreservedPie_AddPerkPoint extends activemagiceffect

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
int min = iPPPPerkMinAmount.GetValue() as int
int max = iPPPPerkMaxAmount.GetValue() as int
float total = 1.0
if (min > max)
elseif (min == 0 || max == 0)
elseif (min == max)
    total = min
    int random = Utility.RandomInt(min,max)
    total = random

GlobalVariable Property iPPPPerkMinAmount Auto 
GlobalVariable Property iPPPPerkMaxAmount Auto 
Message Property Pie Auto Const
{Thanks to the wonderfully preserved nature of this pie, you have gained a perk point. Spend it wisely.}

Then you can make a config consumable or holotape to set the global variables. Or tell users to use the console command "Set iPPPPerkMinAmount To XX " to change the settings.

Edited by dylbill
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It probably isn't registering because the console can't "find" them. I'm not sure why though, they are in the plugin. I tried with the FormID but that didn't work either. I was thinking of adding an ActorValue instead which would still require the console. I have no idea how to make a configurable consumable/holotape.


[EDIT] I re-read your post. I kind of glanced over "Global Variable" since I'm not familiar with the term (I'm really not familiar with any aspect of papyrus). But I think I kind of understand what it means.

Scriptname PreservedPie_AddPerkPoint extends activemagiceffect

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
int min = PPPPerkMinValue.GetValue() as int
int max = PPPPerkMaxValue.GetValue() as int
int final = 1
if (min > 0 && max < 100)
    final = Utility.RandomInt(min,max)
    final = 1
float total = final
Message Property Pie Auto Const
{Thanks to the wonderfully preserved nature of this pie, you have gained a perk point. Spend it wisely.}

GlobalVariable Property PPPPerkMinValue Auto Const

GlobalVariable Property PPPPerkMaxValue Auto Const

Here's my optimized version. I was wondering if it would be possible somehow to get rid of "float total = final" somehow. But "Show()" doesn't accept ints as the argument.

[Edit] I ended up answering my own question. I looked up "casting" and tried "Pie.Show(final as float)" and that ended up working for the compiler.

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To get rid of float total = final, just use a debug.messagbox or debug.notification instead of the message.




Scriptname PreservedPie_AddPerkPoint extends activemagiceffect

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
int min = PPPPerkMinValue.GetValue() as int
int max = PPPPerkMaxValue.GetValue() as int
int final = 1
if (min > 0 && max < 100)
    final = Utility.RandomInt(min,max)
    final = 1
Debug.Notification("Thanks to the wonderfully preserved nature of this pie, you have gained " + final + " perk points. Spend it wisely.") 

Message Property Pie Auto ;Const
{Thanks to the wonderfully preserved nature of this pie, you have gained a perk point. Spend it wisely.}

GlobalVariable Property PPPPerkMinValue Auto

GlobalVariable Property PPPPerkMaxValue Auto

To add a consumable config, you basically do the same thing you're doing with the pie and use an OnEffectStart script with a message. Make sure your config message has the MessageBox option checked in the CK. Add button text options for different configs. The script would look something like this:

Scriptname PreservedPie_Config extends activemagiceffect

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
   Menu() ;open menu
   Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(PieConfigConsumable, 1) ;adds the config consumable back to the player after they consume it. 

Function Menu() 
    Int Button = PieConfig.Show() 
    If Button == 0 ;Increase minmum by 1
    Elseif Button == 1 ;Increase minmum by 5
    Elseif Button == 2 ;Decrease minmum by 1
    Elseif Button == 3 ;Decrease minmum by 5
    ElseIf Button == 4 ;Increase Maximum by 1
    Elseif Button == 5 ;Increase Maximum by 5
    Elseif Button == 6 ;Decrease Maximum by 1
    Elseif Button == 7 ;Decrease Maximum by 5
    If PPPPerkMinValue.GetValue() < 0 
    If PPPPerkMaxValue.GetValue() < 0 
    If PPPPerkMinValue.GetValue() > PPPPerkMaxValue.GetValue() 
    If Button < 8 ;re-open menu. Set button 8 in the message to close or cancel
Potion Property PieConfigConsumable Auto

Message Property PieConfig Auto Const

GlobalVariable Property PPPPerkMinValue Auto

GlobalVariable Property PPPPerkMaxValue Auto

Edited by dylbill
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I ended up figuring out how to get rid of that part. I just didn't want to put the text in the script in case I needed to edit the message but didn't want to go through the Creation Kit.

I'll try to figure out the consumable sometime tomorrow. I still have a couple things I need to fix but thanks a lot for the help. Still curious as to why the game setting wasn't actually working.

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