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ok im just curios so tell us and many others what and how strong your character is don't be shy.


but there is one thing characters that used cheats don't count because uh thats cheating!


post some pics (optional) I don't ave a great imagination of what some characters look like. :mellow:

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105 intelligence

110 wisdom

88 speed

100 destruction

100 alteration

94 conjuration

66 athletics


So, first, they have to go through my summoned daedra, then there's my shield, then I still run faster then they do, and in the meantime, I keep blasting 'em with fireballs. I know I have a respectable amount of restoration, alchemy, resist magic and spell reflect, I just don't remember it by heart.

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Suddently this seems just like measuring and comparing a specific part of men's bodies :) Really, this is no Lineage or Diablo to ask such questions :)


But on topic I don't remember my main character's abilities. She's something of the thief type, blade, illusion, sneak, light armor, alchemy, whatever else, which are at expert level or so. Beside that she's a Baron clan vampire of Terran Vampires, but I remember little details beside that. No level here to avoid that measuring I mentioned before :)

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A Dark Elf who is really quite good.

Strength 100

Endurance 100

Speed 99

Agility 92


Blade 100

Blunt 100

Marksman 100

Light Armour 100

Heavy armour 100

Destruction 100

Locckpicking 96

Sneak 97

Athletics 100

Acrobatics 100

repair thingy skill 100


Thats all I remember, but it might not be exactly right. Most other skills are about 50/70. I havn't cheated (my cheat bar doesn't work) and I'm not lying. How has Araashan got 110 wisdom and 105 intelligence!?

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My character kicks!


his blade skill is about 132 with fortifications and all that.

and my destruction skill is about 120 with fortifications everything else pretty much sucks or is below 50.


take a good look at him



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Name: Freya

Race: Half Elf

Class: Ninja

Sign: The Thief


Strength - 40

Intelligence - 10

Will - 14

Agility - 49

Endurance 10

Personality 10

Luck - 64


Blade - 73

Light Armour - 47

Block - 67

Marksman - 80

Alchemy - 45



Shes only level 7 at the moment and really fragile (im using MMM)

Her main strength is of course shooting, being able to brew some pretty potent poisons for her arrows and blades, and her insanely high Crit chance (luck) for her level, she can take down werewolves on medium difficulty in less than 30 seconds and i've killed a frost giant once, still took about 30 poisoned shots and a good two minutes of ankle biting lol

basically shes all about DPS and bringing down enemies before they even know shes there.


not to mention fun to look at >_<

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I can't remember it exactly...


Strength- 100

Endurance- 100

Speed- 100


Blade- 100

Heavy Armor- 97

Athletics- 70


There all my best skills, all I can remember.


My Char is a level 40 Redgaurd, wearing all Crusader Armor

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A Breton

Sing: Aprentice




Intelligence 151

Willpower 100

Strength 100

Endurance 55

Speed 45

Agility 42

Luck 50


Blade 100

Blunt 15

Marksman 21

Light Armour 63

Heavy armour 22

Destruction 100

Mysticism 100

Conjuration 100

Illusion 82

Alteration 65

Alchemy 64

Security 11

Sneak 13

Athletics 12

Acrobatics 37

Armorer 14


Health: 164

Magic: 660 with some enchantments

Fatigue: 245

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