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Clothing Expanded


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I've looked into the failed compiled script, which mentions line 12, 9 is not a function. Here is the line.


SRPstart kmyQuest = __temp as SRPstart


I guess whatever problem is happening is linked to kmyquest, full script below.


;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment


Scriptname QF_SRPquest_02004E38 Extends Quest Hidden



Function Fragment_7()


Quest __temp = self as Quest

SRPstart kmyQuest = __temp as SRPstart








;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment

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How do you have the quest set up? It looks like you're using quest stages and fragment scripts? If you're not doing anything with quest stages, you should be able to just delete any entries and script fragments (and remove the QF_SRPquest_02004E38 from the quest).


Also, I've been testing the GetEquipped condition, and it doesn't appear to recognize items within a form list. I'm going to test it using a leveled item list and see if that works any better.

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Do you need that script fragment for anything? None of the startup quests that I've created for this purpose have anything in the log entry or papyrus fragment areas.


Here's what it looks like... I also included shots of the script (this one is using both a perk and a spell). Don't forget to set the script properties.



EDIT: Also GetEquipped doesn't appear to work with leveled lists either. Shame.

Edited by kryptopyr
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I've made my scripts mirror yours, which links to a script that modifies carry weight to 500 and a condition my character already has (haggling20). I'm not seeing any effects and I'm wondering if this is because of all the mods I have installed. Is there some way to save your current mod load order so I can run Skyrim barebones with only it and my mod? Anything to make this process less frustrating and convoluted.
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I'm not sure. I do all of my modding on an older laptop so I can keep a minimal mod list for testing purposes. I have the game set up to play on a separate computer. There may be tools available what will "remember" which mods were active for various saves, but I'm not aware of any that do it just yet.


You should be able to load your mod last and see the effects. You may have to add a description to the spell itself in order to see it in Active Effects.


When I have time, I plan to sit down and play with this a bit more. There are several effects that I'd like to implement for one of my mods and this is probably going to be the best way for me to do it. If you want to PM me, we can compare notes and keep one another abreast of our progress.

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  • 8 months later...

this does look like an awesome idea....



incidentally, (and i realise the irrelevance here) is it just me that finds it a little weird that there is an abundance of skimpy/semi nude armour/clothing mods but very few, if any, that add things like t-shirts and jeans? i know modern clothing is not lore friendly and all but is it any less lore friendly than armour that only really covers ur c*%!?


jus sayin.

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