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Far Cry

Animal skin pricing lib????


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look there for shoppingitems.lib


And in the folder name "Animal parts" you'll find whatever you'd like to. Hint: variable "iCost" is the answer



HAHAHAHA, I've been through each and EVERY file in that dir and never saw iCost..... Thanks inakrin

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Where do you find this directory? I'm looking through the steamapps directory of the files and the C:/Program Files/Ubisoft directory, and I can't find the "generated" folder anywhere.


Keep in mind I only just purchased Far Cry 3 and am completely new to modding this, so when I downloaded the Swartz Mod Compilation, I was a tad confused to only see two files in there, and was shocked at how they were easily able to change so much.


Any info would be greatly appreciated.


Nevermind! Just happened to actually do some reading around these forums, and found the Gibbed editor for unpacking everything! Away I go to mess around and make all the guns and ammo cost $1 because I'm a cheap bastard :D

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Where do you find this directory? I'm looking through the steamapps directory of the files and the C:/Program Files/Ubisoft directory, and I can't find the "generated" folder anywhere.


Keep in mind I only just purchased Far Cry 3 and am completely new to modding this, so when I downloaded the Swartz Mod Compilation, I was a tad confused to only see two files in there, and was shocked at how they were easily able to change so much.


Any info would be greatly appreciated.


Nevermind! Just happened to actually do some reading around these forums, and found the Gibbed editor for unpacking everything! Away I go to mess around and make all the guns and ammo cost $1 because I'm a cheap bastard :biggrin:

i made all my guns cost $0 coz i just wanted to use/test/mod them.

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