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Shared outer chest in homesteads


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I'd like if all the outer chests that come by default with each homestead could be linked.. that way i could at least share the clay, stone, iron and corundrum from all my homesteads, to make construction easier.


Of course, if possible, i would love if some of the storage locations inside homesteads (and possibly regular homes too) could be linked that way, as to have an alchemist satchel with the same content all over your properties, and such.


At full extent, it could be nice to have:


a) A craftman's chest outside the homestead / house; to keep building and crafting materials like leather, pelts, ore or ingots.


b) An apothecary satchel, to save ingredients.


c) An enchanter's satchel, to keep gemstones and probably a soul-trap weapon.


d) An outfit chest, maybe split in two: a weapons' chest, and an apparels' chest


e) A strongbox, to keep jewels and such


f) A regular chest, to save whatever you want.


I'm sure i've seen a few mods implement this sort of shared storage, but they all seem to have many other heavy modifications like new homes, extra followers, more growable plants and such.. i just want the storage room: the rest as vanilla as possible.

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