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NPC not keeping new default outfit


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So, I picked up a mod with some new followers, and I was going to use one as a Steward for one of my Hearthfire homes. This follower didn't come with any default outfits, so by default she's running around in her undies.


I decided to try and fix this my editing the mod (for myself, not going to share it) in the CK. I start by making a new outfit, using some outfits from a different mod. I then added the outfit to the "default outfit" blank in the actor values. I hit save, and everything seems fine.

However, when I re-load the mod in CK to check it, the Default Outfit has been reset to blank (however, the outfit is still listed in the outfits section). I tried giving her an outfit from the vanilla game. and that seems to stay put.


The same thing happens if I try changing the default outfit of a vanilla NPC using that same new outfit.

I also tried applying the changes in a new .esp, but that failed to work as well.


Any help?

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What you have to do is either add the outfits resources that you want to use into the .esp you are trying to modify, or make changes to the mod with the armor you're using as the outfit. Basically it can't draw the resources from the other .esp and so it shows up as blank again. You could also use UFO's 'you could dress better' dialogue option to allow you to give them the armor that you want them to wear. They'll still be naked initially but it would require less work on your part going down the UFO route.


There are probably other ways to do it that I don't know about, making a patch with Wrye Bash and so forth. I thought I'd share what I know though, good luck! :biggrin:

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Actually, I don't think UFO will work, because the problem is not while the NPC is a follower. It's when she's a steward, and the game defaults to default outfits. Unless I misread what UFO said in it's description, it seems to only affect outfits of the active follower.


I'll try the copying the outfit to the other mod bit.

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