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Some new Retro Hairstyles?


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Still hoping the 80s hairstyles will be considered by someone as well, that was the original point of this thread after all.
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i agree


also found it~



also even more good news


i spoke to a modder an they said they definatel keep the 80s metal gear in mind an she is currently working on two armors right now

cool right?


Very cool, I'll be interested to see what comes of it. :)

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Right now, I use one of the hairstyles in ApachiiSky Hair that actually has some curls and volume to it. I did have every available hair mod in my game but I uninstalled all the rest because I wasn't using them and because they were making the character creator take long to load when I switched genders to female.


Some big 80s hair will pretty much have to be brand new meshes and textures and my concern was no modder would want to do it because it would be too complex to create in 3D with all those layers and angles to look up to standard with the rest of the visuals.

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