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Change and move objects in Hearthfire


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Hi everybody,


I want to change some objects in Lakeview Manor with the CK. For example the furinture in the first floor, like the beds.

So I use CTRL+F to change something, everything's fine, but when I try to move it somewhere else, but still same room, the object don't move ingame.

It's on the same old place but it changed to the object i wanted. In the CK it is on the place where I wanted it but ingame it is still on the old place.


But this is only with objects where there is a Reference Editor ID,

like "BYOHHouse1InteriorRoom02Part041Cupboard2ndFloorBackW"

when you doubleklick it.


I have a little expirience with the CK from Fallout and some basics with Skyrim, so anyone know how to move objects with a Reference Editor ID ?

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