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Stretchy arms?


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Hello everybody!

I just got Skyrim for the PC and am ashamed at myself for buying it for the 360 first. It is so much more beautiful and expansive than I ever thought before. I have fallen into the mod realm and tweaked my game quite a bit, and have used my newly acquired sexy females and sexy hair to take nifty weapon-and-armor screenshots to use as wallpapers for my computer. There are lots of times that I want to take a screenshot of my chick doing a forward 2-handed power attack, with the weapon raised up and the blade/head of the weapon facing down her back, like in the links at the bottom of this post. However, whenever I try to do this and use "tfc 1" in the console to freeze her in place, her arms get all stretchy and tarded looking. Are there any mods out there or patches I could grab that would smooth this effect or am I forever cursed with Gumby arms?


A few pictures are here: http://imgur.com/a/XWFu9 and I've attached one too.

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