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Annoying graphic under character


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Yesterday I noticed this frost spell looking graphic under my character that wont go away. I tried race changing, taking off armor, and some others. But still wont go away.


Advice on some console commands to try would be helpful. Hopefully I can get rid of this cause I have no saves prior to this bug.








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wow what an armor you have there :thumbsup: nice what mode is that ?


oh ehm sorry ... err... have you tried healing yourself ? even if your health is full sometimes ice spikes , arrows and other things stay persistence , but healing ( not drinking potion ,exactly healing using magic ) will remove the effects , if you dis that and the effect still persist try exiting the game and then entering the game , it should solve the your problem :) hope it will work

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I had the exact same thing happen to me today. Happened on the road between Mzinchaleft and Windward Ruins (I noticed because my cloak disappeared and I got a message saying "was equipped" - just that, didn't say what was equipped). I believe it was only happening when I entered that particular cell as I could go around it, but entering (from any direction) would have the same result.


Anyway, I've tried acidzebra's fix and it worked (Ice Wrath Frosty Feet was the one I used). Even going back into the cell that seemed to be the problem doesn't cause it to recur.


*edit* Oops, should have said acidzebra's link to steve40's fix - but thanks to both of you.


*edit2* Just tried your "Where in Oblivion am I?" mod and it seems the cell in question was 2,22, but, weirdly, not all of it - just the section on and around the road.

Edited by lostjohnny
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