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This is fun stuff!


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Oh my god, I have to tell you guys, I think that this site is filled with so many funny posts that they could start a comedy club, I mean, every time I read a new(or an old, wich I haven't read yet) topic, I always laugh at least twice. Everyone that ends flaming threads from people that think they know better then the mod developers ends them with something really funny, well, at least a some does. I actually spent five hours straight looking for humorous posts at these forums, I missed both breakfast and dinner, but it was sure worth it.


I salute all of you people that posted anything really smart that made someone shut up, I wouldn't mind loosing 10 episodes of my favourite comedy show on tv, and I mean 10 NEW episodes, if I could watch these forums instead. The weird thing is that I haven't talked to anyone except my mom, my brother and my cat for three days now, I've been watching these forums.. is something wrong with me? Anyways, keep up the good work and everyone that's just waiting to shut someone up with a funny post, pop it open.


BTW, if I posted on the wrong part of the forums, then please move it, wouldya?

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I must second. I'm in my last 2 weeks at work before I start grad school, so I have a major case of senioritis, and instead of working, I've been spending all day on the message boards.

I don't usually post on message boards, but I like this one.

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The weird thing is that I haven't talked to anyone except my mom, my brother and my cat for three days now, I've been watching these forums.. is something wrong with me?

That sounds perfectly normal to me.


*looks over shoulder*


Who are you? And what's with that long white coat?


No. Get away from me!!!


What's in that needle?








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Ah, I see the usefulness of that post Wesay but I can't work out the abbreviation.


It's an anagram of oo, I hate spam, isn't it? :lol: What does oo stand for?


For those new to the forum who want a laugh (even though I started the piece a lot was added) try http://mwsource.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2686


Though I have to say when locking threads it is not often humour that is uppermost in my mind!

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