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Yet another Helgen rebuilding request


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Ok, I have an idea for a Helgen mod. It would require Hearthfire to work. First, add in the workbenches to Helgen that the Hearthfire homes have. Have blueprints to rebuild each building with resource requirements (Stone, claw, sawn logs, etc). The bigger the building, the more resources you will need to rebuild it. But before you can start rebuilding, you would have to get permission from the Jarl to become "Mayor" or whatever they call the person in charge of the towns, and rebuild. To get the Jarl to agree to this, you have to first be Thane, and have to fulfill other requirements to show the Jarl that you are capable of running a town. These tasks could range from settling disputes between citizens, to ensuring that guards are up to par.


Once you have Helgen rebuilt, people will start moving in. You could even have a "barracks" built (or even house them in the keep) that will house so many of your followers, add in a new dialog option to followers once the barracks is complete to tell them to move in there, but limit the number of followers that can live there to however many beds are there, with the option of telling them to move back to their original home. This way you can keep your top favorite followers in one area, and would be helpful if you don't use a multiple follower mod.


Also, have the option to assign someone as a steward to run things while you're out adventuring so that the town doesn't become a pit of bandits in your absence.


EDIT: If anyone has an idea of any way to improve this request, post it here. Let's try to get this thread the "Dream Helgen" request thread.

Edited by sedatedgenius83
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It's actually quite an interesting idea! I'm really not a modder, but i can help you with the general idea if you feel like it :3 Maybe it could go step by step:


1) If you are Thane, the Jarl will eventually send you a courier asking for your presence.. when you attend the meeting, he will argue about how Helgen's abandonment has led to it being overrun by a group of bandits (as it is currently in skyrim) which cause trouble and harm trade throughout the Hold, and that you, as his Thane, are the proper person to deal with it.


2) The thane will send his housecarl, alongside a few (2/3) guards, and your housecarl to join you nearby Helgen. You join then, and raid the town.


3) After you report the defeat of the bandits, the Jarl will reward you (leveled gold, probably, or a magic leveled Hold shield to match with the weapon given when you became thane) and then lament about how Alduin's raid, being the first (town was unprepared, clearly) and most fiersome dragon to ever raid a town in centuries, diminished a flourishing Helgen into ashes. The dragonborn can, if Alduin has already being defeated, state that the danger has passed, and that Helgen could be rebuilt once again, but the Jarl will then argue that in having a civil war ongoing / just finished, there are no resources available for such a job.


4) After a speech ("Helgen is a strategic point for the hold & skyrim!") / persuasion check ("I can get the materials") where the Jarl is convinced by the dragonborn to rebuild the town, you are assigned as Chief Restorer and future governor of Helgen. He will also say that he's going to dettach some guards to keep the site secured, and help in any way they can. (this point explained later)


4.1) If you pass the speech check, the Jarl will grant you initial materials to help you (200 sawn logs, 200 quarried stones, 200 clay, 50 iron ingots, 20 glass, 20 straw), plus will order the people of Falkreath to help you in any way they can (Blacksmith will gift you X iron ingots, nails, iron fittings, and some hinges and locks every some days; You will be allowed to saw logs for free in the hold's mill; general stores will gift you glass, goat horns, and straw every some days)


4.2) If you persuade the Jarl.. well, you are on your own :P


5) A chest (containing the materials except the sawn logs if you convince the Jarl to finance the rebuilding), a Drafting table and a Carpenter's workbench will appear on Helgen. Also, there willl be 2 or 3 guards around, which will keep watch, and some times chop wood, or mine clay, iron or stone in nearby veins. When talking to guards, they will sometimes comment they have managed to obtain a few supplies for the town, and give you a few units of iron ore, clay, stone, or add 1 or 2 sawn logs to the pile.


6) From there onwards, you rebuild the town using the drafting table & carpenter's workbench as if it was a homestead. Only requirement, you have to start with the fort (Guards need a place to sleep, right? :P)



While / after you have rebuilt some structures some things will start to happen in the town:


- You can ask your followers to settle in Helgen. The Jarl will award them the title of guards, and you will see them patrolling the town in guard outfits; they will also sleep in the Fort.

- After a house is rebuilt, eventually someone will come to live there. People will set faster if the Inn has already being rebuilt.

- You have to build working locations within / nearby Helgen to unlock shops within Helgen.. if not, all the people will be in the Inn drinking mead, or wandering the settlement in rags. Working locations will include: Farms (2 or 3, producing vegetables, and one more expensive producing wheat w/ flour mill), a blacksmith's spot in some corner of the town, and a marketplace with a few stands (food, alchemist, clothes & jewelry, and general store should do it).



That would make the town come alive again! One thing i disagree about your proposal, thou, if you being the "manager" of the town.. think about it, all other towns don't have anyone ruling them, only Hold capitals, and that's the Jarl :P And this is not a "become a Jarl" mod; hence, Helgen's managing should stay a business of the Jarl of Falkreath.. you are granted the opportunity of rebuilding it, and having several of your followers in the same location.

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