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k9000 Cyberdog Gun


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As I understand it, one of the primary features of the K9000 Cyberdog gun is to detect nearby threats by growling.


Well, mine is very good at it's job. Any time combat starts, the sound will play about a hundred times a second, overlapping and being way too loud. It even hits my frame rate. Been looking around for a fix to this, but haven't found one. Anyone know what's up? Any known conflicts with OWB? I have project nevada with its patches, but not many other gameplay changers. Messed with a few possibles already, came up with nothing.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 7 years later...

Performing some thread necromancy to say that I'm having the opposite problem. I can (sometimes) get the cyberdog gun to make the whine/bark noises when unequipping/equipping it, but it doesn't seem to want to growl. I'm wondering if it has something to do with NVSE somehow? It has to be a weapon script of some sort. Does FOMM have an easy method to copy your mod list?
The likely most relevant mods I'm running (this is an old install I haven't played in a few years) are TTW 2.9 and Project Nevada.

[edit] So far I've tried disabling PN, melee weapon key, NVAC, manual reload...


[edit 2] It was Manual Reload (this particular variant: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37090?tab=description )


Hope this helps someone if they have the same issue in the future.

Edited by Ayures
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