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Change skill book covers


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Hi guys!


As I have absolutely no knowledge of modding and don't know my way around the CK, I have a small request which I think should be doable.


I would like to change the covers of skill books, or more specifically, magic skill books to a few variants from Axhoff's Book Covers Resource mod.


I would like to change:

- Destruction book covers to book02large02ax0.nif (the red one) from the aforementioned mod.

- Alteration book covers to book02large02ax1.nif (the blue one)

- Illusion book covers to book05ax0.nif (the dark green one)

- Restoration book covers to book06ax1.nif (the yellow and black one from the 1_1 screenshot)

- Conjuration book covers to book04ax1.nif (the brown one from the 1_1 screenshot)


If anyone has the time and the patience to make this mod for me I would be extremely grateful.



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